Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Dick SMith K-3450 Liquid Crystal Display Digital Panel



I know it's a long shot, but would anyone have the paperwork (or a circuit
diagram) of the Dick Smith K-3450 Liquid Crystal Display Digital Panel Kit?

It would be a great help to me.

Brian Goldsmith

I know it's a long shot, but would anyone have the paperwork (or a circuit
diagram) of the Dick Smith K-3450 Liquid Crystal Display Digital Panel Kit?

**A short shot would be to ask DSE,they do have a website you know!!!

Brian Goldsmith.


Eric said:
I went to the web site and got

"Search was unable to find any results for K-3450 , you may have typed your
word incorrectly, or are being too specific. Try using a broader search

I know it's a long shot, but would anyone have the paperwork (or a circuit
diagram) of the Dick Smith K-3450 Liquid Crystal Display Digital Panel Kit?

**A short shot would be to ask DSE,they do have a website you know!!!

Brian Goldsmith.
**A foot shot would be to ask DSE,they do have a website you know!!!

Brian Goldsmith

"Eric" < wrote I went to the web site and got

"Search was unable to find any results for K-3450 , you may have typed your
word incorrectly, or are being too specific. Try using a broader search

***** You should have looked a little more closely and you might have

[email protected]

Now,do you think you can send an email to them by yourself?

Brian Goldsmith.


I probably wouldn't have posted here unless I'd tried DSE first .

I DID find a copy of it, however, but not via DSE.


Brian Goldsmith

I have no interest getting data on the LCD panel, and I have no interest
Emailing technical support, I was interested to see what the panel looked
like and how much it was

***Why then did you go to the DSE website???

, when the DSE web site could not find any results,
I posted the information suggesting to David he might of given the wrong

****Did he give the wrong number??? No,he did not.Might he have,who knows?
as for these comments "Now,do you think you can send an email to them by

**** Did you look any further than the "search" panel? No!
Therefore it can be safely assumed you could not and can not, "think
The trouble with people like you, Brain

***Thanks for the compliment!

you are so up yourself you can not think straight,

***The mind boggles!

Brian Goldsmith.

Brian Goldsmith

by the way I am not putting up with any more of your shit dickhead,

you can waste you life replying and not read any more of your crap.

***** More moronic meanderings,I wonder what is the real meaning of the
above mangled English?

Brian Goldsmith.

The Real Andy

Eric, Goldsmith has no idea, so ignore him. He is a complete fuckwit
and has yet to post any usefull information on theis NG.

Brian Goldsmith

"The Real Andy"

Eric, Goldsmith has no idea, so ignore him. He is a complete fuckwit
and has yet to post any usefull information on theis NG.

**** Try this for useful information,you can't spell useful nor can you
spell this.And obviously, even though you know you cannot spell
correctly,you haven't got a clue about using a spell checker !!

I wonder if that is why most on this NG ignore you?

Brian Goldsmith.