Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Dew Sensor in TV/VCR

Hi, My kids have a 9" TV/VCR Combo, they love and so do I. I recently changed a broken guide post and replaced the belt. But any time I unplug it for a while, the dew sensor comes on. I know what it does, but it's not in the cold. .....Can I just jump out the dew sensor???
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Hi, My kids have a 9" TV/VCR Combo, they love and so do I. I recently changed a broken guide post and replaced the belt. But any time I unplug it for a while, the dew sensor comes on. I know what it does, but it's not in the cold. .....Can I just jump out the dew sensor???

You can but you run the risk of tape wrapping around the video head. Its there for a reason.
You may be suprised how cold the large block of the aluminium video head gets even in seemingly warm climatic conditions
Experience that follows many many years of servicing VCR's :)

Hey mate; Sorry about the delay. Been working on other computers and forgot my my log-in info. Yeah your're right. I shouldn't defeat it, but I threw out all my junk VCR's awhile ago. Hard to come by parts now as you must know. Anyway thanks for the help. BTW.... Do video heads spin the opposite way down there.......::....Thanks!!!