Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Detecting a 12v stepped current - automotive DLR

Have a new car with a current step used to control the Day Light Running lights - shared with the high beam light.
What I am looking for is a device to detect when the high beam (full current) is not in use and allow the stepped current to be adjustable, else high beam is activated.
Any ideas or recommendations?


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
My recommendation is not to mess with it. If it's a new car (as you say) then you will definitely void your warranty.

It works like this: The carpet in the trunk has a warranty. If you touch the headlight wiring, the warranty on the trunk carpet is void. Car manufacturers have lots of lawyers, and those guys have zero sense of humor - or proportion.

Ya. No plan to cut into the wiring! The existing bulb socket input connector would be attached to a NEW connector that goes to the BLACK BOX ( what I am searching for to detect stepped or full current) then terminates with another new connector which is reconnected to the high beam runnning an LED bulb versus a Halogen.