Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Detect shock with a passive component for warranty purpose


I'm looking for a passive component which indicates to me if a device
underwent one shocks significant.
The purpose is to limit the warranty for a device.
I heard that there is such component on motherboard or hardisk, but
that's all.
I don't know the name of such component and the manufacturer.
Someone have some information above that?
Thanks for help

Fred Bloggs


Ian Stirling


I'm looking for a passive component which indicates to me if a device
underwent one shocks significant.
The purpose is to limit the warranty for a device.

I would be reluctant to accept such a device, unless I could inspect the
state of the shock sensor when I got it.

Ken Smith

I would be reluctant to accept such a device, unless I could inspect the
state of the shock sensor when I got it.

"Shock watch"es have a little window that turns red if it has been
shocked. These can be placed so that they can be seen but are hard to