Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Designing PCB with EasyEDA. Need a Glancing over, plz

So, I'm using EasyEDA to build an SSOP20 -> DIP20 and SSOP30-> DIP30 adapter boards. The ones on eBay aren't quite designed right from what I can gather. The SSOP20 ones I think would work, but not sure. And there are no SSOP30->DIP30 boards.
I want to make clear that I'm creating these PCB adapter boards so that I can plug the TI chips into a breadboard.

So, my big question is, can someone look over these files and verify I have them properly to scale and put together correctly?

Here's the Datasheet for the two chips:

And Gerber/SVG files:

Thanks for any assistance. Trying to learn this stuff