Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Design push pull inverter using 28 nm using short channel analog design

Design push pull inverter using 28 nm using short channel analog design

specs :

voltage: 1 v

voltage gain : 200

3dB frequency : 2.5 MHZ

the circuit model as attached image is (Analog push-pull amplifier) is the ONLY BASIC MODEL IN PAGE 13 of chapter 5 ( CMOS circuit design ) by philip allen

,,Then we must need to add (new modified equations )of short channel ID ( saturation and linear case ) , with Change the Vin in each case
To find W/L Scaling

these new equation ( which contains ( Ec L ) in this referance book 2015

CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits (2015) ,S.M.Kang, Y.leblebici

he need from me the report with hand calculation


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