Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Design of a three phase SVPWM rectifier

hi all,

For my course project, Im asked to design a three-phase SVPWM rectifier. Could you please tell me what designing a rectifier means and how could I begin my work.

Thank You


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Designing means:

1) To determine the requirements
2) To understand the requirements
3) To investigate methods of implementing those requirements
4) To choose the "best" method
5) To investigate existing designs
6) To select an existing design, OR to propose a new design
7) To determine whether this design meets the requirements
8) To alter the design to meet the requirements
9) To select component type, values, ratings, etc. to suit your design
10) To document the design