Maker Pro
Maker Pro

design for homemade toroidal transformer

i have try to complete an homemade transformer, but it doesn't work. I think the problem comes from the toroidal core. I made it from a 9 3/4 inch. outside diameter x 2 inch. height X 4 3/4 inch inside diameter low-carbon steel shaft. When i look to the resistance with the multimeter on the primary coil i got 0.6 ohm. the primary coil has 159 turns of 14 awg emaled copper wire and the secondary of 33 turns of 14 awg. So, why it doesn't works? Not enough turns? Or i should made the toroidal core with sheet metal (low-carbon steel) laminate? Or something else i didn't get? (design for 120V AC input). Thanks to help me to illucidate this.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
If you're using a steel core you need to laminate it to reduce eddy currents.

What happens when you connect it? (smoke?)
after 1 or 2 seconds the breaker open (15 amps ac max) . So, if i understand well, sheet steel in circle laminate will work? To improve my general knowledge : what is eddy currents? thank you (*steve*) for your help


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
I think most laminated cores have laminations about (or just under) 1mm in thickness. It's been a long time since I pulled a mains transformer apart and I've never unwound a toroidal mains transformer, so take my advice with caution.