Maker Pro
Maker Pro

dental burrs for drilling holes in pc board



I hear dental burrs are superb for hand drilling holes in circuit board
I went to a local dentist's office this afternoon and asked for some of
their used dental burrs. Either they were afraid of violating some
regulation or just didn't want to deal with me, anyway I got a "no."
I've looked on the internet for information on the regulation of dental
waste. The gov't regulates mercury amalgam disposal but I can't find
anything about dental burrs.
There must be some approach I can use that doesn't trigger an automatic

Michael A. Terrell

Mark said:
Have you told them it is for electronic work rather than DIY dentistry?

The used ones are resharpend and sold for other uses. I was in a
place in Trenton, Ohio that resharpened all kinds of burrs. The were
called Deburr.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Mark Fortune

kell said:
I hear dental burrs are superb for hand drilling holes in circuit board
I went to a local dentist's office this afternoon and asked for some of
their used dental burrs. Either they were afraid of violating some
regulation or just didn't want to deal with me, anyway I got a "no."
I've looked on the internet for information on the regulation of dental
waste. The gov't regulates mercury amalgam disposal but I can't find
anything about dental burrs.
There must be some approach I can use that doesn't trigger an automatic

Have you told them it is for electronic work rather than DIY dentistry?


kell said:
I hear dental burrs are superb for hand drilling holes in circuit board
I went to a local dentist's office this afternoon and asked for some of
their used dental burrs. Either they were afraid of violating some
regulation or just didn't want to deal with me, anyway I got a "no."
I've looked on the internet for information on the regulation of dental
waste. The gov't regulates mercury amalgam disposal but I can't find
anything about dental burrs.
There must be some approach I can use that doesn't trigger an automatic

BUR - one R - makes a difference when you Google.

I found it confusing when I was trying to buy them
a couple of years ago. Still is, to me. But here's
a site that may help:

I wish I could remember the size I bought. They had
sizes like 1/2, 1, 2 etc. I think it was a size 1.
In any event, the tip is spherical and the thing
works like a dream in my Dremel. If you figure
out the sizes, please post! As I recall, different
manufacturers have different size codes.

Also, the place I bought from had a minimum order
of $25.00, as I recall. So if you can understand
the sizes, you should buy something for small leads
like on 1/8 watt resistors, and something a bit bigger
for say 1/2 watt resistor leads. I need to rummage
around in my other PC to see if I have a record - if I
do I'll post the details.



ehsjr said:
BUR - one R - makes a difference when you Google.

I found it confusing when I was trying to buy them
a couple of years ago. Still is, to me. But here's
a site that may help:

I wish I could remember the size I bought. They had
sizes like 1/2, 1, 2 etc. I think it was a size 1.
In any event, the tip is spherical and the thing
works like a dream in my Dremel. If you figure
out the sizes, please post! As I recall, different
manufacturers have different size codes.

Also, the place I bought from had a minimum order
of $25.00, as I recall. So if you can understand
the sizes, you should buy something for small leads
like on 1/8 watt resistors, and something a bit bigger
for say 1/2 watt resistor leads. I need to rummage
around in my other PC to see if I have a record - if I
do I'll post the details.


Ed, a previous poster gave a link
with better prices and they give actual sizes in mm and thous.
Just thought I'd let you know in case you're going to be in the market
for burs again.
I haven't ordered anythig from them yet.