Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Demultiplexing / routing from single source to multiple destination


Not sure if I am in the right area for this question. Please move/delete if need be.

I am a tinkerer/hobbyist and am far from a professional, so my question might be stupid or obvious to most :) I have spent the better part of a morning researching with no answer and I think my problem is I am not sure what to ask.

note: This is somewhat hypothetical, I haven't worked out all the details yet. I am really just looking to be pointed in the right direction for this future project.

I need to take 20+ analog inputs and depending on a switch position (1-4) send those 20 inputs to 1 of the 4 devices (20 outputs * 4). I looking for a means to switch between the 4 devices. There seems to be a few methods to accomplish this, and at this point using 20 * 1-to-4 demultiplexers seems like my only option. Or possible programming a gate array, which might not be an option since this is not digital?


More information is needed:
1.What is the nature of your "Analog inputs"
i.e Voltage,Frequency range,impedance etc.
2. When you say "inputs",Do you mean inputs to the "switch"?
If so, than they are actually outputs or sources...;)
that issue needs to be very clear .
Thanks for the reply dorke and sorry to the lack of details. Flushing out this idea alone seems more complicated than it is worth :p

What I am trying to accomplish is to connect my custom "arcade joystick/control panel" to multiple systems (NES, SNES, Genesis, PC, etc). I would usually accomplish this by hard wiring the various buttons from the custom joystick to the PCB of the systems own joystick/controller. Plug the hacked up native controller in and you are up and running.

What I want to do, is to have a single input for my custom joystick and have a selector to terminate the wiring back into one of the four systems. I can create 4+ separate plugs and manually move the custom joystick, and this might be what I end up doing (minor inconvenience at most). The thought crossed my mind to make switching devices more automatic and I was hard pressed to see how one would accomplish such a solution.

As for "Voltage,Frequency range,impedance etc.", I am not sure, I haven't spec that info ("analog" was probably the wrong choice of words). Right now just wondering how I can close the circuit of a button press to device 1 and not to devices 2, 3 or 4.

Thanks again!