Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Delete a post

My prerogative to delete one of my own posts no longer exists, recent question: (PIC Micro controllers), why could i not delete the post, as no response ? :)


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Ian may be able to give a better answer. As a moderator I can always delete my posts, so I can't check it.

Perhaps you can't delete your post if it is the first in a thread (it will delete the thread) if there are any replies?

Can someone else look at threads they've started and see if the delete option goes away after a reply. Or perhaps Dave, if you can remember, did your post above have a delete option but now does not?
Hi Steve.
Yes it was the first post in the thread, as no reply's , i honestly cant remember seeing a delete option, but a month back with a little misunderstanding i was told by Davnn i could delete a post, i did it worked, ive been looking tonight for the PIC micro controller post, but cant find it, i guess its been deleted.

So sending the link options is not necessary as i cant find it, but thanks any way, if you want to take down this thread thats fine, not like its needed.
Dave. :)

PS. I looked at the edit option on this post, i could delete it, so yes its what you said i think, first opening post starts the thread, deleting would mean all posts after that lost.
Thanks again. :)
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¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Yeah, I found it and deleted it. Then I forgot to post a message telling you that I had :D
This thread, whats it about, surely you've not forgot already, ok i will remind you, it was about the ability of being able to delete a post, so there is some logic to it.


Hi Dave,

From what I can tell (as there's not an explicit option for this in the software), the delete a post option will only remain for a sort period of time. The reason being is that it can knock threads out of order if one person deletes a post where there are replies.

It won't do any harm to leave a thread where there are no replies to it, so don't worry about deleting old posts :). If anything does need to be removed, just let any of the admins or moderators know and we can do it manually.