Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Delayed on circuit


My apologies if this is a basic question but I've spent a lot of to searching for this and I've not moved any steps forward.

What I am trying to achieve is when a switch is turned on, after a delay of between 30 seconds and 5 minutes which can be adjusted, a light switches on and stays on (providing the original switch is on).

I've looked at a monostable 55 which I can delay the on for an adjustable amount of time using a variable resistor but I then end up with it turning on and then off and cycling.

I've also looked at capacitor transistor options but as the light runs off batteries it needs to use minimal power and ideally last as long as possible.

I'm expecting a circuit diagram but just a point in the right direction would be really appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

(A hobbyist trying to find his way in the world!)