Maker Pro
Maker Pro

degraded while stored?

i have an SPT 45w laser tube....has served me well for 3 years.....i engrave some fine detailed 2 color plastic labels and works well.....
my question is this....
i have lately been thinking of a spare tube.
might need in a month..maybe longer....
would the spare tube lose power sitting packed away waiting to be used?
Sir glen . . . . . . . . . . . . . .( and that's SPECIFICALLY being 0411 . . . .NO others )

Here's the way that I look at it . . . . .
If you were using cutting edge technology . . . .solid state lasers . . . . . at least there would potentially be demand and resultant stock depletion and replacements with "fresh stock", should you need another unit.

Now with you using past technology . . .CO2 / SPT . . . . what difference does it make if you let that replacement unit . . . . PROBABLY . . . . be transitioning, to categorically be . . . NEW . . .OLD STOCK . . . . and stay on a distributors shelf until needed, vice, it being stored on one of YOUR shelves, if stored for years.

WITH that one potential bright light being, your beating , any impending price hike on the unit in that interim, UNLESS . . . . old technology gets DISCOUNTED, in intervening time, in order to get clearance and rid of a slow /or/ no mover item.
Secondarily . . . .
The way it is built . . . considering its electro / mechanico / chemical constituents . . . . . I don't see any internal decline / degradation. . . . .in analyzing it from that aspect.

73's de Edd . . . . .

Factoid . . . .
Those who get too big for their britches will be . . . EXPOSED . . . in the end.
