Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Default Power Manipulation

Greetings folks it’s been a few years away from this world and I find myself back

I’d like to ask advice on reversing equipments default power status is “off” to be “on”. There’s plenty of reasons but the biggest one is absolutely frequwnt power outages at the cabin has already caused damage due to humidifier being in a default “.off”!state so even s WiFi IoT tupenif plug won’t help.

On some
Simple wuient like a lamp it’s always on anyway if there’s no circuitry just a switch. But for some reason 99% of everything I own went outnofnits way to add the behaviornof defaulting to odd ughhhh (plug in stuff not hard wires).

On one or two it may be possible to just jump he switch but I don’t want to interfere with manual operation ofnhe device and that’s jmportsnt to me too.

Also on units like a digital Small dehumidifier in another room it cometely wipesnout our settings :(yet some devices st home