Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Dear Non Paying Customer,


Bob La Londe


This is to acknowledge receipt of your scrawled note across your PAST DUE
statement. We gladly terminate your service effective immediately. We do
however need to point out a couple things.

1. Your service was already past due when you chose to cancel your service.
This means we have already handled signals and provided service for which
you have not paid.
2. Your system is still sending signals to our central station. These are
signals we are being forced to handle for which you are refusing to pay for

These items need to be remedied. We will gladly stop by during normal
business hours to de-program your system from reporting to our central
station. We are willing to do this as a courtesy. It will reduce our
expense for a non-paying customer, and allow you to easily transition to
some other alarm company at the least expense. We can also do this after
hours or on a weekend if available, but we will only do so if you are
willing to pay the full rate for an overtime after hours visit (cash only).
Please give 72 hrs prior notice if you would like us to take care of this
for you.

As to the item of you deciding to cancel service AFTER your account was
past due, we will gladly write you off as a bad debt if you will take
immediate action to facilitate proper termination of service to include
having your alarm panel programmed to stop sending signals to our central

If we are still receiving alarm signals from your alarm panel by the time
we process our next billing cycle in September we will have no choice, but
to take further action against you including collections of past due


Bob La Londe

That's why I posted it.

Feel free to use and modify to your needs.

Crash Gordon

Bob, you're being way too nice!

| This is to acknowledge receipt of your scrawled note across your PAST DUE
| statement. We gladly terminate your service effective immediately. We do
| however need to point out a couple things.
| 1. Your service was already past due when you chose to cancel your
| This means we have already handled signals and provided service for which
| you have not paid.
| 2. Your system is still sending signals to our central station. These are
| signals we are being forced to handle for which you are refusing to pay
| service.
| These items need to be remedied. We will gladly stop by during normal
| business hours to de-program your system from reporting to our central
| station. We are willing to do this as a courtesy. It will reduce our
| expense for a non-paying customer, and allow you to easily transition to
| some other alarm company at the least expense. We can also do this after
| hours or on a weekend if available, but we will only do so if you are
| willing to pay the full rate for an overtime after hours visit (cash
| Please give 72 hrs prior notice if you would like us to take care of this
| for you.
| As to the item of you deciding to cancel service AFTER your account was
| past due, we will gladly write you off as a bad debt if you will take
| immediate action to facilitate proper termination of service to include
| having your alarm panel programmed to stop sending signals to our central
| station.
| If we are still receiving alarm signals from your alarm panel by the time
| we process our next billing cycle in September we will have no choice, but
| to take further action against you including collections of past due
| balances.
| Sincerely,
| Owner

Crash Gordon

Yah me too.

Thats why I offer this alternative to us going out there for free to
deprogram; You can have us come out and deprogram it for free but you will
have to pay what you owe us when the tech gets there. OR...You can unplug
the RJ...either way you or we must stop signals from being sent to our
central station or we will continue to bill you for monitoring. A few days
later they will call about the fail to communicate messages or beeping :)

You GOTTA get some revenge on the deadbeats!

| | > Bob, you're being way too nice!
| Yeah, but I just get tired of letting deadbeats upset me.
| --
This is to acknowledge receipt of your scrawled note across your PAST DUE
statement. We gladly terminate your service effective immediately. We do
however need to point out a couple things...

One alarm company had another method which worked rather effectively.
They used to program every system to send nightly self-test signals.
Attached to their primary receiver's incoming lines was a Rochelle
6-line caller ID device. The device sent caller ID (ICLID data) via
serial port to one of their computers. That PC ran a program which a
certain person wrote that would compare every incoming call to a list
of "deadbeat" phone numbers. Anyone who failed to pay AND refused to
allow them to deprogram the C-station information from their system had
their number added to the list.

The list never had more than a few numbers on it at any given time.
Here's why. Also connected to that PC was an RS-232 controlled
8-position relay board. The relays were wired in series with the
receiver's phone lines. Any time a "deadbeat" sent a signal the line
would be interrupted for 5 seconds -- long enough to cause the dialer
to hang up and initiate a retry. They programmed most systems for 5 to
8 tries. After that they would go into a trouble mode. Most systems
were programmed to send test signals in the middle of the night. Most
residential clients had a keypad in the master bedroom. Upon a
"failure to communicate" trouble condition the keypads would make a

This caused the client to call for service. That in turn gave the
alarm company an opportunity to remove their phone numbers from the
deadbeat's alarm panel and (sometimes) caused said deadbeat to pay the

I'm not saying who did this, but if you've got a modicum of programming
skills and a bit of patience I can teach you how to do it. :^)

Of course, since the whole affair isn't UL you couldn't really use it
unless you had a small, non-listed central station. Then again, most
of the people who participate here have never touched a UL-listed
system anyway so that might not be an issue.

Robert L Bass


Of course, since the whole affair isn't UL you couldn't really use it
unless you had a small, non-listed central station. Then again, most
of the people who participate here have never touched a UL-listed
system anyway so that might not be an issue.

RobertDMW Bass

You've mentioned this in the past as one of your methods that you used
to use.
So it's obvious YOU'Ve never touched a UL listed system, by your own

Contrarily, you don't have clue one way or the other about anyone else

Karl Magnus

One alarm company had another method which worked rather effectively.
They used to program every system to send nightly self-test signals.
Attached to their primary receiver's incoming lines was a Rochelle
6-line caller ID device. The device sent caller ID (ICLID data) via
serial port to one of their computers. That PC ran a program which a
certain person wrote that would compare every incoming call to a list
of "deadbeat" phone numbers. Anyone who failed to pay AND refused to
allow them to deprogram the C-station information from their system had
their number added to the list.

The list never had more than a few numbers on it at any given time.
Here's why. Also connected to that PC was an RS-232 controlled
8-position relay board. The relays were wired in series with the
receiver's phone lines. Any time a "deadbeat" sent a signal the line
would be interrupted for 5 seconds -- long enough to cause the dialer
to hang up and initiate a retry. They programmed most systems for 5 to
8 tries. After that they would go into a trouble mode. Most systems
were programmed to send test signals in the middle of the night. Most
residential clients had a keypad in the master bedroom. Upon a
"failure to communicate" trouble condition the keypads would make a

This caused the client to call for service. That in turn gave the
alarm company an opportunity to remove their phone numbers from the
deadbeat's alarm panel and (sometimes) caused said deadbeat to pay the

I'm not saying who did this, but if you've got a modicum of programming
skills and a bit of patience I can teach you how to do it. :^)

Of course, since the whole affair isn't UL you couldn't really use it
unless you had a small, non-listed central station. Then again, most
of the people who participate here have never touched a UL-listed
system anyway so that might not be an issue.

Robert L Bass

Har! , the ITI stuff had a 12 hour delay before trouble beeps were
audible on the later systems.

Norm Mugford

You lie Mr. BAss....
Lie, Lie, Lie, Lies
That's all you do is Lie, Mr. BAss......

Do you lay awake at night thinking of these lies?

Norm Mugford

One alarm company had another method which worked rather effectively.
They used to program every system to send nightly self-test signals.
Attached to their primary receiver's incoming lines was a Rochelle
6-line caller ID device. The device sent caller ID (ICLID data) via
serial port to one of their computers. That PC ran a program which a
certain person wrote that would compare every incoming call to a list
of "deadbeat" phone numbers. Anyone who failed to pay AND refused to
allow them to deprogram the C-station information from their system had
their number added to the list.

The list never had more than a few numbers on it at any given time.
Here's why. Also connected to that PC was an RS-232 controlled
8-position relay board. The relays were wired in series with the
receiver's phone lines. Any time a "deadbeat" sent a signal the line
would be interrupted for 5 seconds -- long enough to cause the dialer
to hang up and initiate a retry. They programmed most systems for 5 to
8 tries. After that they would go into a trouble mode. Most systems
were programmed to send test signals in the middle of the night. Most
residential clients had a keypad in the master bedroom. Upon a
"failure to communicate" trouble condition the keypads would make a

This caused the client to call for service. That in turn gave the
alarm company an opportunity to remove their phone numbers from the
deadbeat's alarm panel and (sometimes) caused said deadbeat to pay the

I'm not saying who did this, but if you've got a modicum of programming
skills and a bit of patience I can teach you how to do it. :^)

Of course, since the whole affair isn't UL you couldn't really use it
unless you had a small, non-listed central station. Then again, most
of the people who participate here have never touched a UL-listed
system anyway so that might not be an issue.

Robert L Bass

I choose Polesoft Lockspam to fight spam, and you?
I'm not saying who did this, but if you've got a modicum
You've mentioned this in the past as one of your methods
that you used to use...
From the above I assumed even you could see that I was referring to
myself. :^)
So it's obvious YOU'Ve never touched a UL listed system...

Not quite right. Like you, I never bothered with a UL listing for my
company. Like you, I mostly installed residential systems which rarely
require UL certification although the hardware itself was always UL
listed (not the main point, of course).

Unlike you, I installed mostly hard wired systems for over 20 years and
unlike you I actually know how to install and service them.

As to the "not quite right" part, I've serviced lots of UL-listed
systems. I've also taken over plenty of them when the customers became
disgusted with the poor service of the only UL-lisdted c-station alarm
company in Hartford (my old home area), a company who I sometimes call
"Sonitrash". Even you can probably figure out who that is.
by your own admission...

Wrong, but that never stopped you in the past.
Contrarily, you don't have clue one way or the other
about anyone else here...

And yet you presume to know the first thing about my installation
skills. One thing I have noticed is that you've always hidden your
identity whiile posting all your trash for so many years. You're like
a cowardly school child, hiding behind a bush and throwing mud at
anyone who passes by.

Everyone knows what you are and why you're such a coward, Jimbo.
You're deathly afraid that one of the numerous people you attack will
come looking for you. The truly funny part is that you're most afraid
of me. Don't be scared, Jimbo. I won't hurt you. Heck, if we ever
met I'd just laugh at you.

Feel free to prattle on about your great achievements, your imaginary
yacht and your recurring dreams of adventures in the islands. No one
believes you and no one cares.


what are you on about? I can dial in to any monitored system of mine to deal
with deadbeats, where's the rocket science here? you sound like a trained

This is to acknowledge receipt of your scrawled note across your PAST DUE
statement. We gladly terminate your service effective immediately. We do
however need to point out a couple things...

One alarm company had another method which worked rather effectively.
They used to program every system to send nightly self-test signals.
Attached to their primary receiver's incoming lines was a Rochelle
6-line caller ID device. The device sent caller ID (ICLID data) via
serial port to one of their computers. That PC ran a program which a
certain person wrote that would compare every incoming call to a list
of "deadbeat" phone numbers. Anyone who failed to pay AND refused to
allow them to deprogram the C-station information from their system had
their number added to the list.

The list never had more than a few numbers on it at any given time.
Here's why. Also connected to that PC was an RS-232 controlled
8-position relay board. The relays were wired in series with the
receiver's phone lines. Any time a "deadbeat" sent a signal the line
would be interrupted for 5 seconds -- long enough to cause the dialer
to hang up and initiate a retry. They programmed most systems for 5 to
8 tries. After that they would go into a trouble mode. Most systems
were programmed to send test signals in the middle of the night. Most
residential clients had a keypad in the master bedroom. Upon a
"failure to communicate" trouble condition the keypads would make a

This caused the client to call for service. That in turn gave the
alarm company an opportunity to remove their phone numbers from the
deadbeat's alarm panel and (sometimes) caused said deadbeat to pay the

I'm not saying who did this, but if you've got a modicum of programming
skills and a bit of patience I can teach you how to do it. :^)

Of course, since the whole affair isn't UL you couldn't really use it
unless you had a small, non-listed central station. Then again, most
of the people who participate here have never touched a UL-listed
system anyway so that might not be an issue.

Robert L Bass


myself. :^)

Not quite right. Like you, I never bothered with a UL listing for my
company. Like you, I mostly installed residential systems which rarely
require UL certification although the hardware itself was always UL
listed (not the main point, of course).

Unlike you, I installed mostly hard wired systems for over 20 years and
unlike you I actually know how to install and service them.

Ahhhhh THERE YOU ARE! Why I thought you were going to ignore me
forever. Well ..... at least for as long as you're going to be around
....... anyway.

How would you know what I've installed? And by the very fact that I've
been in this trade for 36 years ..... long before there WERE wireless
systems, under no unusual circumstances it would be likely that I've
installed more wired systems in the 10 to 12 years before wireless
systems where available than you did in the actual 10 or so years( out
of your debateable 20,) that you actually did installations. As usual
you speak before you make futile attempts to make up unproveable
stories about people.
As to the "not quite right" part, I've serviced lots of UL-listed
systems. I've also taken over plenty of them when the customers became
disgusted with the poor service of the only UL-lisdted c-station alarm
company in Hartford (my old home area), a company who I sometimes call
"Sonitrash". Even you can probably figure out who that is.

Wrong, but that never stopped you in the past.

Really? Jeeeeeze I really think the chemo is affecting your memory.
You'd better go back and read it all again and look up the word
And yet you presume to know the first thing about my installation

It's only from the fact that you've been caught lying so many times.
You know? Remember the part where you made believe that you had come
up with some installation ideas and then someone discovered that you'd
stolen it from a Sentrol manual? Or when you took my idea about doing
Andersen windows and said it was your idea? How about the battery
termial leads and the Make My Day thingy on the keypad. I mean, if
you've got to steal ideas from others .... and make up obviously wrong
stories ....... that kind of says you don't have the experience to
think up your own stuff. Tell us now, actually how much of what you
know did you steal from that great installer you used to have? Betcha
he'd have a lot to say about where all "YOUR" ideas came from.
One thing I have noticed is that you've always hidden your
identity whiile posting all your trash for so many years. You're like
a cowardly school child, hiding behind a bush and throwing mud at
anyone who passes by.

Nah, actually like others that see you for the son of a bitch that you
are, it's you that I'm avoiding. After all, with a record like yours of
personally attacking people that call you for the asshole that you
really are ..... I think you're just pissed that you can't get at me.
What was that statement you made ..... ? something about how you enjoy
calling your detractors employers or suppliers ???? Well, sorry fat boy
....... I'm smarter than you are. Oppps. Can't call you FAT ASS anymore
..... can I?
By the way, meant to ask ............ how's the new cancer diet your on
.....going? Jeeeeeze I can't tell you how much I hope it works.

Ya know??? Up till now I always wondered if there was any real justice
in this world. Well now I've got proof that there is. Thanks.
Everyone knows what you are and why you're such a coward, Jimbo.
You're deathly afraid that one of the numerous people you attack will
come looking for you. The truly funny part is that you're most afraid
of me. Don't be scared, Jimbo. I won't hurt you. Heck, if we ever
met I'd just laugh at you.

Actually we were within a couple of feet of one another at one of the
NYC ISC shows, quite a number of years ago. I was standing right behind
you almost breathing down your fat neck, while you were trying to tell
the Napco reps about how much you know. It was amusing to watch them
roll their eyes, as you walked away. We had a good conversation about
what an asshole you are and how annoying you are when you call tech
support. Oh ..... and with that brief encounter, I've known what the
results of a meeting between us would be ..... and you don't. But .....
you'll be happy to know that in your condition, your not going to be
around long enough to see it happen anyway.

Feel free to prattle on about your great achievements, your imaginary
yacht and your recurring dreams of adventures in the islands. No one
believes you and no one cares.

Hmmmm ..... seems to have had some importance to you though, seeing as
you remember details that no one else likely does. Glad to know I'm
been that much of a thorn in your side ..... or maybe I should say
....... a growth in you lung.

But, I guess you might be thinking that had you lived a better life you
might have lived to have some of those experiences. I guess Billy Joel
will have to rename his song "only the good die young" Heh heh heh

Oh .... do let us know when you're near the end ...... will you?

I'd like a little advance warning so I can buy the party favors.

Your (still) living friend.

Bob La Londe

mikey said:
what are you on about? I can dial in to any monitored system of mine to
with deadbeats, where's the rocket science here? you sound like a trained

There are a number of reasons why I might not be able to dial into a system.

Takeovers where we jsut swung the lines for one.

I have also discovered that some Napco systems seem to report just fine over
a line with DSL, but you can't call in to deprogram them if it doesn't have
an Excelsus filter on it.

Its not something I normally have to deal with, but it does come up.
Ahhhhh THERE YOU ARE! Why I thought you were
going to ignore me forever. Well ..... at least for as long
as you're going to be around ...... anyway.

I ignored you for quite a while. Most of what you say is of no value
anyway but I thought I'd return a few of your slams just for fgun
How would you know what I've installed?

You've bragged about it.
And by the very fact that I've been in this trade for 36
years .....

You say that you have but there's no evidence to support that (or any
of your other claims either).
Really? Jeeeeeze I really think the chemo is affecting
your memory...

You think? Hmm. That's news. FWIW, I haven't yet begun chemo. :^)
It's only from the fact that you've been caught lying so many times.
You know? Remember the part where you made believe that you had come
up with some installation ideas and then someone discovered that you'd
stolen it from a Sentrol manual?

You're lying again, Jimbo. I never claimed to have "come up with"
anything from the Sentrol manual. I repeated some of their ideas but
never claimed them as my own.
Or when you took my idea about doing
Andersen windows and said it was your idea?

Lying again, Jimbo. I never once claimed anything you said was my
How about the battery termial leads...

Yep, I made a dumb mistake on that one but there was no lie.
and the Make My Day thingy on the keypad...

You *claim* it's a lie.

Nah, actually like others that see you for the son of a bitch that you
are, it's you that I'm avoiding. After all, with a record like yours of
personally attacking people...

Hahahahahahahaha. You're afraid that someone might "personally attack
you?" That's rich.
By the way, meant to ask ............ how's the new cancer
diet your on ....going?

Did someone say I was on a "cancer diet?" :^)
Ya know??? Up till now I always wondered if there was any
real justice in this world. Well now I've got proof that there is.

Don't get your hopes up, Jimbo. I'll probably outlive you by a few
Actually we were within a couple of feet of one another at one of the
NYC ISC shows, quite a number of years ago. I was standing right behind
you almost breathing down your fat neck...

Neat fiction, Jimbo. Unfortunately, the last time I was at the NY-ISC
was quite a few years ago and at the time I weighed about 180.
Besides, if you had ever been close to me I'm sure I'd have noticed the
Hmmmm ..... seems to have had some importance to you
though, seeing as you remember details that no one else
likely does...

I always enjoy a good comedy, Jimbo. Your tales of great adventures in
your rowbo... er, yacht are a popular subject in emails between others
who frequent this newsgroup.
Glad to know I'm been that much of a thorn in your side .....
or maybe I should say ...... a growth in you lung.

Heh. You're just an old fool with a weak ego, trying hard to pretend
you're important. Don't kid yourself into thinking you matter.
But, I guess you might be thinking that had you lived a
better life you might have lived to have some of those

I've had a good ride but it's nowhere near over yet, pal.
I guess Billy Joel will have to rename his song "only
the good die young" Heh heh heh

Actually, my pulmonary specialist "explained" why I have cancer when he
gave me the initial diagnosis and it seems he must know you. I'll
break with my personal rule about cursing in order to relate the
conversation to you.

He said, "There's a reason you have cancer."

Surprised, I asked, "How is that?"

He said I seemed like a nice enough guy. And I asked what that has to
do with it.

His explanation: "Nice guys get tumors. Assholes get hemmhoroids.
Oh .... do let us know when you're near the end ......
will you?

Do hold your breath.

Frank Olson

I ignored you for quite a while. Most of what you say is of no value
anyway but I thought I'd return a few of your slams just for fgun

You've bragged about it.

Granted. But probably not as frequently as you post your marvelous
installation fairy tales.

You say that you have but there's no evidence to support that (or any
of your other claims either).

Yet there's plenty of "evidence" to support the fact that you *don't*
have 20 years of direct installation experience. "Managing" a "modestly
successful central station alarm company" is a bit different from doing
actual installations/service. ISTR you were also on probation for five
years following your conviction for assault with gun in 1979 and
*installed* systems in CT illegally (without a permit) until you got
nailed in 1989. I've also seen numerous posts where you quite obviously
"bent the rules" on many installations and even go so far as to advocate
your customers (and legitimate, licensed installers) do the same.

You're lying again, Jimbo. I never claimed to have "come up with"
anything from the Sentrol manual. I repeated some of their ideas but
never claimed them as my own.

Actually you posted the information regarding securing a gun cabinet
almost word for word from the Sentrol Manual and you did attribute it to
yourself. Several here "caught it" and I believe a "snippet" of the
original thread found its way onto the "Goofy" site...

Lying again, Jimbo. I never once claimed anything you said was my

No. What you *did* do is frequently use ideas garnered from this Group
in the BassHome FAQ without crediting the individual that posted it
(saying something like "I got this idea from a security forum" when you
knew exactly who posted it).

Yep, I made a dumb mistake on that one but there was no lie.

It's taken you a while to admit to it hasn't it??

You *claim* it's a lie.

It's an outright fabrication. There is *NO WAY* you can get any 32
character two line LCD display to read: "Attention Burglar!" on the
first line and "Go Ahead. Make my day." on the second. You have only 16
characters per line to work with. The first line would require 18
spaces. The second would need 22.

Hahahahahahahaha. You're afraid that someone might "personally attack
you?" That's rich.

You're not above placing phone calls to numerous AHJ's in the Vancouver
area lookin' for me. Or faking someone elses Group ID to post a message
in a BC based security forum (and compounding it by using an innocent
Grade 4 student's email address) in order to try and find out where I
work. And to what end?? So you can file more lies like you did with
Andy Bowman and Graham?? You're despicable.

Did someone say I was on a "cancer diet?" :^)

Everyone should be on one. Cut out the fried starchy food, stuff high
in Nitrites, BBQ, and eat more fruit and green leafy veggies (and broccoli).

Don't get your hopes up, Jimbo. I'll probably outlive you by a few

I doubt it (and I'm not saying this as a slam). You have made it
obvious that on top of your cancer problem, you also have a heart
problem... It appears to me that you *are* enjoying life to the max,
though. Heck, you may as well... You can't "take it with you" and why
leave it all to your wife and kids??

Neat fiction, Jimbo. Unfortunately, the last time I was at the NY-ISC
was quite a few years ago and at the time I weighed about 180.

Heh... I'll bet the last time you weighed "180" was sometime *before*
your conviction for assault...

Besides, if you had ever been close to me I'm sure I'd have noticed the

"Eau de Bilge Water"?? :)

I always enjoy a good comedy, Jimbo. Your tales of great adventures in
your rowbo... er, yacht are a popular subject in emails between others
who frequent this newsgroup.

Ah, yes... The "many" who "frequent the Group" and carry on a furious
email dialogue with you on the side (many of whom are Pilots and
Aeronautical Engineers as well).

Heh. You're just an old fool with a weak ego, trying hard to pretend
you're important. Don't kid yourself into thinking you matter.

Pot, Kettle, Black!!

I've had a good ride but it's nowhere near over yet, pal.

No, but I'll bet you can see the hole at bottom of the hill, though...

Actually, my pulmonary specialist "explained" why I have cancer when he
gave me the initial diagnosis and it seems he must know you. I'll
break with my personal rule about cursing in order to relate the
conversation to you.

I'm glad to see that you have at least the one "personal rule". You're
not above lying or using innuendo to denigrate your detractors
(where-ever they happen to post).

I've never wished you ill, and I certainly sympathize with your present
situation. I lost my father and mother to cancer and know what they
endured before the end. I do hope and pray that you won't have to go
through what they did because no one deserves that.


Frank Olson wrote:

Thank you Frank.

Saves me the trouble stuffing it back up his ass.

I have to say I agree with all of what you said except for the last

Actually ..... some people DO deserve that and DMW Bass is the perfect

George Siegle

Called a deadbeat, that after getting his past due notice he phones our
office and leaves a message on our voice mail that : "He is our most
dissatisfied customer and wants a call back from the manager so he can

I called him and explained that all he had to do was send in his notice of
cancellation and as per his contract and at the end of 90 days he would be
no longer a customer, although sir you must have paid you bill to be
considered our most dissatisfied customer first.

After three days of no fax or email, I called him back and explained that I
had $50. riding on his cancellation letter.

When he ask what I meant. I explained that we have a pool here in the
office that the biggest looser of a customer dealt with wins the $50 bucks.
And with your attitude of being mad at us for you always paying your bill
late....well sir I can win the $50.

Fax arrived in less than 5 minutes....:)