Maker Pro
Maker Pro

dead psu




can anyone direct me where to troubleshoot a dead atx psu. a green wire
was already shorted to ground (black) but nothing happens.

i read from the net that almost all concepts of AT and ATX psu are
the same.

The differences are: that ATX PSU always has +5V standby (what color of
a wire is the sb?), it powers up through logic circuit (maybe through
ic w/c is in the psu itself) and that it can be controlled by software.

i already have repaired AT psu many times but i do not try ATX yet.

thanks in advance,



yhan said:

can anyone direct me where to troubleshoot a dead atx psu. a green wire
was already shorted to ground (black) but nothing happens.

i read from the net that almost all concepts of AT and ATX psu are
the same.

The differences are: that ATX PSU always has +5V standby (what color of
a wire is the sb?), it powers up through logic circuit (maybe through
ic w/c is in the psu itself) and that it can be controlled by software.

i already have repaired AT psu many times but i do not try ATX yet.

thanks in advance,


Dave M
MasonDG44 at comcast dot net (Just subsitute the appropriate characters in
the address)

Never take a laxative and a sleeping pill at the same time!!

crazy frog

i have repaird 2 atx so far.
i found i one of them the small
electro cap for the 5v sb leaky.
the other one i put new electro caps
onthe output side, thay were leaky
and bubbeld up.
so you have the 5vsb supply
then check the main swtching transistors
and the small electro caps around them
and the resistors as well, if all ok
check all the output electro caps.