Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Dead Philips tv



Philips TV 17PT1563/05 - working ok, picture starts to jump slightly -
'ping' - smell of burning, dies. Checked plug-top fuse, opened up the
set and checked for any internal fuses - one found checks ok. So I guess
it's a power supply problem. Any clues please? - there's some signs of
burning on the board next to a large capacitor near the incoming
power-lead. Is it worth fixing, or shall I junk it? - replacement nearly
as cheap as a professional repair. (I'm in the UK)
Thanks for any help.
You asking for "clues" ...... well, we need some clues here... you will
need to provide some basic troubleshooting results such as voltage
readings, component test results, etc... for tips and information you
can go to the website for this newsgroup at
...... otherwise TAKE it to a shop for a repair cost estimate so you
can make an intelligent repair decision with facts instead of wild
To assume that a professional repair is going to cost as much as a
replacement is an unenlightened assumption.... especially without any
technical apprasial.