Maker Pro
Maker Pro

DCR and annoying calls


F Murtz

Two questions,
why can they call when I am on the do not call register?
And what are they on about?
The call in a foreign accent, are you mr ..... , yes I am,then something
like, we are home energy assessors and we are assigned by the dept of
energy, and then I hung up.I probably should have stayed and found what
further stuff they came up with.


F said:
Two questions,
why can they call when I am on the do not call register?
And what are they on about?
The call in a foreign accent, are you mr ..... , yes I am,then
something like, we are home energy assessors and we are assigned by
the dept of energy, and then I hung up.I probably should have stayed
and found what further stuff they came up with.

I have the same problem, and deal with it with an answering machine for
monitoring purposes. These unwanted callers invariably hang up as soon as
they realise they have contacted an answering machine.
In aus.electronics Epsilon said:
I have the same problem, and deal with it with an answering machine for
monitoring purposes. These unwanted callers invariably hang up as soon as
they realise they have contacted an answering machine.

It's relaively easy to hack a cellphone (e.g. I have one based on
an embedded linux arm-based platform) to provide a screening service.
Based on date/time-of-day, whether the caller has ID blocked (if not,
their area code and number), and how many rings they're prepared to
wait, you can make a reasonable guess who's trying to sell you a power
contract or get you to sell your property.
In aus.electronics Peter Jason said:
The size of those pestiferous mobile telephony gadgets
remind one of suppositories, and so immediately suggests a
solution to put them out of sight and sound.

With the case removed and some as-near-as-I-could-get headers
installed my hacked thing is around 5cm x 7cm.

You first... ;)

Ross Herbert

:Two questions,
:why can they call when I am on the do not call register?
:And what are they on about?
:The call in a foreign accent, are you mr ..... , yes I am,then something
:like, we are home energy assessors and we are assigned by the dept of
:energy, and then I hung up.I probably should have stayed and found what
:further stuff they came up with.

Have you checked to see that you are still on the DNCR? I seem to remember that
a month or so ago everyone had to renew there listing on the DNCr because the
original application had expired. I renewed mine and haven't had any unwarranted
calls - yet.

John Tserkezis

F said:
Two questions,
why can they call when I am on the do not call register?

I've said the DNC register was a farce from the beginning:

The DNC register applies only to callers within Australia, so, if
they're calling from a call centre overseas, the DNC register does not

There are also convenient exemptions thusly:
* charities or charitable institutions
* educational institutions
* religious organisations
* government bodies
* registered political parties
* independent members of parliament
* political candidates.

So that pretty much means you're not going to see ANY end to these calls.
And what are they on about?

They want something. Usually money, either directly, or indirectly.
The call in a foreign accent, are you mr ..... , yes I am,then something
like, we are home energy assessors and we are assigned by the dept of
energy, and then I hung up.I probably should have stayed and found what
further stuff they came up with.

That sounds like it would be within the grasp of the DNC register, so
if you're still getting that class of call, remember that your DNC
registration only lasts three years, so if you subscribed when it first
started, it would have expired about a year ago or so, and you'll have
to subscribe again.

Yep, I *did* say it was a farce.

David Segall

John Tserkezis said:
I've said the DNC register was a farce from the beginning:

The DNC register applies only to callers within Australia, so, if
they're calling from a call centre overseas, the DNC register does not

I don't think that is true. "Any business that either calls or faxes a
listed number, or arranges for calls or faxes to be made or sent on
its behalf, may be in breach of the legislation and could face
penalties said:
There are also convenient exemptions thusly:
* charities or charitable institutions
* educational institutions
* religious organisations
* government bodies
* registered political parties
* independent members of parliament
* political candidates.

You have omitted the worst offenders. "Opinion polling" is exempt so a
telemarketer can ask you about your present telephone service provider
and if you know about the fabulous bargains offered by their

F Murtz

John said:
I've said the DNC register was a farce from the beginning:

The DNC register applies only to callers within Australia, so, if
they're calling from a call centre overseas, the DNC register does not

There are also convenient exemptions thusly:
* charities or charitable institutions
* educational institutions
* religious organisations
* government bodies
* registered political parties
* independent members of parliament
* political candidates.

So that pretty much means you're not going to see ANY end to these calls.

They want something. Usually money, either directly, or indirectly.

That sounds like it would be within the grasp of the DNC register, so
if you're still getting that class of call, remember that your DNC
registration only lasts three years, so if you subscribed when it first
started, it would have expired about a year ago or so, and you'll have
to subscribe again.

Yep, I *did* say it was a farce.

I did renew it recently.

John Tserkezis

I don't think that is true. "Any business that either calls or faxes a
listed number, or arranges for calls or faxes to be made or sent on
its behalf, may be in breach of the legislation and could face
penalties" <>.

Ah, "could" face penalties. The catch all for when they don't really
want to do anything about it. Let's face it, callers from other
countries are outside the jurisdiction of the DNC register. These
callers may not be breaking the law in THEIR OWN COUNTRIES (or may be,
either way who cares), which is the important thing, because outside
this country the DNC register can't charge anyone OUTSIDE the country.
Not for marking callers anyway.
You have omitted the worst offenders. "Opinion polling" is exempt so a
telemarketer can ask you about your present telephone service provider
and if you know about the fabulous bargains offered by their

Yes, of course. There are more "exemptions" further down the page I
left out. (saw them right after posting).

John Tserkezis

I did renew it recently.

Ah, perhaps you should have stayed on for longer. In your your
original message, you said they were from the "dept of energy". Who
doesn't actually exist here, but I'm guessing it's lost a bit when you

Next time take notes, and name names. Usenet is great for that.

I normally abuse them.
Sometimes they call back and say I can't do that. So I give them more.

I had an old boss who was a master at dealing with them.
He could get THEM to abuse US (via speakerphone) without uttering any
swear or insult.
Great for laughs. :)


F Murtz said:
Two questions,
why can they call when I am on the do not call register?
And what are they on about?
The call in a foreign accent, are you mr ..... , yes I am,then something
like, we are home energy assessors and we are assigned by the dept of
energy, and then I hung up.I probably should have stayed and found what
further stuff they came up with.

And then there are the calls that come in every night at about the same time
with 'Private Caller' on the screen. No one answers and it just rings