Maker Pro
Maker Pro

DC only alarm panel



what small alarm panel can be used with 12vdc battery power only with a
solar charger?
what sized battery and what charger have you used or seen in this type app?
sunny deep south us.
will I still get a power out trouble and will this cause any problems?
read where some guy called jiminex said the fbi xl2 would not cause trbl if
a jumper was installed. where does the jumper go? any other panels that
would work?
3 doors and a motion and of course an audible notification appliance.

Jim Rojas

nick said:
USP makes a cheap little panel that's dc only

Why not use a decent car alarm? Many are are under $40 and come with 2

Jim Rojas
Technical Manuals Online!
8002 Cornwall Lane
Tampa, FL 33615-4604


what small alarm panel can be used with 12vdc battery power only with a
solar charger?
what sized battery and what charger have you used or seen in this type
sunny deep south us.
will I still get a power out trouble and will this cause any problems?
read where some guy called jiminex said the fbi xl2 would not cause trbl
a jumper was installed. where does the jumper go? any other panels that
would work?
3 doors and a motion and of course an audible notification appliance.

USP makes a cheap little panel that's dc only

now that you mention it I think I have one of those out in the garage,
good call.


Jim Rojas said:
Why not use a decent car alarm? Many are are under $40 and come with 2

Jim Rojas
Technical Manuals Online!
8002 Cornwall Lane
Tampa, FL 33615-4604

another good call. hadnt' considered car alarms. do car alarms come with
zones? I think I need 2 or 3.


You can power your panel with another 12 battery. Hook it straight up
to the AC input. That way your solar panel only needs to charge the
first battery. The system will keep the other charged. Any panel will
do, but the smaller ones tend to draw less in the way of power. On some
panels you may wind up with a "brown out" condition if the input voltage
isn't high enough so if your solar charger is having a problem
maintaining at least 13.1 to 13.4 VDC the keypad's could go into AC
trouble mode. I think you'll have a better chance with the FBI XL-2
product. It uses a 12VAC transformer rather than the standard 16VAC one.

The DC input to the panel is polarity sensitive.

So .... if you apply the battery to the transformer terminals and the
panel doesn't power up. Reverse the polarity of the input.

good to know, thanks.


Frank Kurz said:
You can power your panel with another 12 battery. Hook it straight up to
the AC input. That way your solar panel only needs to charge the first
battery. The system will keep the other charged. Any panel will do, but
the smaller ones tend to draw less in the way of power. On some panels
you may wind up with a "brown out" condition if the input voltage isn't
high enough so if your solar charger is having a problem maintaining at
least 13.1 to 13.4 VDC the keypad's could go into AC trouble mode. I
think you'll have a better chance with the FBI XL-2 product. It uses a
12VAC transformer rather than the standard 16VAC one.

I can power most any panel by putting 12vdc to the ac inputs? didn't know