Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Datasheet help

I'm taking a highschool electronics class, and am having trouble finding what I need in datasheets.


I need to know which pin is the the analog input channel 11 pin.
Words of memory i can use to write code.
Max current that can go flow into positive the power supply pin VDD.
Max current one pin can source into an output device.
Pins that can use IOC and their ports.

If you have any tips for me on how to navigate the datasheet, they would be appreciated.
Hi :)
Datasheets can be hard work, no doubt of it.
The only thing I have to say is that you have to study every pin on the chip until you know what it does. There's no royal road to such understanding - it is intellectual labour - you need to do this kind of thing the hard way. The great thing is that at the end of the exercise you will find yourself more competent as a thinker.

It's great to get yourself independent of the classroom for learning, but so few people do it! It's like the difference between feeding yourself and needing to be spoon fed. Distressingly few people ever bother to become intellectually fit - why not give yourself a big advantage and take these research challenges seriously!

Of course if you need help this forum is a great place to ask - but I'm not sure you need help yet.
