Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Dataman Gang-of-Eight Eprom programmer software?



I've acquired a Dataman Gang-of-Eight EPROM programmer with power
supply but no software. It handles devices up to 27512 and voltages
from 25v to 12.5v.

So far so good, except I don't have any software :-(

There's an RS232 port on the rear of the programmer which I've tried
with terminal software but to no avail (though I might not have tried
the correct commands). I've also tried the manufacturer but they no
longer support the programmer.

Anyone have any software to support this programmer?

All advice and software gratefully received!


Tony K

Jerry said:
I've acquired a Dataman Gang-of-Eight EPROM programmer with power
supply but no software. It handles devices up to 27512 and voltages
from 25v to 12.5v.

So far so good, except I don't have any software :-(

There's an RS232 port on the rear of the programmer which I've tried
with terminal software but to no avail (though I might not have tried
the correct commands). I've also tried the manufacturer but they no
longer support the programmer.

Anyone have any software to support this programmer?

All advice and software gratefully received!


Why don't you try the company website???


Why don't you try the company website???

Now why didn't I think of that?! Oh hold on, I *DID* think of that...

Okay, reign in I'm teasing you *NOT* flaming you. I did visit the
Dataman site but their support extends only to the current product
line. They have a user forum and there are a couple of questions
relating to the Gang-of-Eight eprom programmer, each of which poses
the same questions as me, and none of which is resolved properly. Back
to the drawing board…