Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Data logger on a voltmeter

I've bought a voltmeter, or a multimeter, and I want to attach a data logger to it to store data over approximately a 1 hour period. Idealy a system which works with usb or sd so that I can import data to my PC. I want to make this system by myself, although I don't know what components I need, and which data loggers I can use to interact with my voltmeter. Is this even possible to make? Can anyone provide me some more information on this matter? Thanks in advance.

Harald Kapp

Hello, welcome to the forum.

What multimeter did you buy? Has it an interface? If not, it will be rather difficult to extract the information from the meter to store it in a logger.
If it has an interface, the manual should describe how to read information from the meter via the interface.


Thanks for your reply, the multimeter has got an interface,, is the one I got. I can read the information from the interface, but I want to store the data over time. Save it on a USB or SD so I can upload the data to my PC or laptop.

its doesnt say anything about having an data interface. ONLY data hold, which many multimeters have. there's probably nothing much you can do with this unit.

You are going to need a meter that specifically has datalogging and a data interface to a PC

It's not going to be easy and maybe you better buy some multimeter with any sort of data-logging feature but if it has an LCD it can be done.

I have seen an old "calculator multimeter in one instrument" (Hioki 3208 Calcu Hi Tester) where there was a bridge chip reading values from multimeter lcd driver and emulating button key press to send data to the calculator chip.

Maybe if you like to experiment and have plain of spare time you can do it with an arduino.