Maker Pro
Maker Pro

D-Link Modem Repair, Newbie looking for Advice

Good day everyone,
I hope you are all well.

I've come here to ask for your help, I came home yesterday to an Internet modem that didn't work. The rain was pouring and there had been thunder.
When switched on, all lights on the modem (WLan, Lan, Power ...) turn on except the internet one. Of course, the internet doesn't work.

Could you please help me? More precisely, I'm looking to know which part or parts could have been damaged during the rainstorm so that I can look further into it.

I appreciate your help.


Could you please help me?

possibly ... with more info .... show some sharp and well lit photos of both sides of the board

I'm looking to know which part or parts could have been damaged during the rainstorm so that I can look further into it.

see above

chances are that it will be totally stuffed. Takes only small amounts of static electricity to kill electronics
and even if you find some parts that have been cooked, it may be difficult or impossible to get those parts

But firstly lets see the guts
Can't tell from those photos, too blurred. First thing I normally check for though (basic troubleshooting), is bulgy/leaking capacitors, failing that though, could be anything.