Maker Pro
Maker Pro

CTX PL-9 19" CRT Monitor Fuzzy Fonts



The above has 1U8-03700474 MFD SEP 2000 on the tag. It has been an excellent
monitor for about 5 or so years now. Recently, however, it has
intermittently begun to "fuzz" the fonts. I have degaussed it a few times to
no avail. When the monitor is cold, everything looks good, but after about
30 mins or so, the fonts turn fuzzy. I normally run my ATI 9700 Pro @
1024X768 32-bit colour, 85Hz refresh. Is this worth repairing? If so, where
would one begin to look? Thanks!



From experience with these monitors, the fault is caused by either the HV
module is failing, or the CRT is going weak.

I would be out shopping for a new monitor at this time.



The above has 1U8-03700474 MFD SEP 2000 on the tag. It has been an excellent
monitor for about 5 or so years now. Recently, however, it has
intermittently begun to "fuzz" the fonts. I have degaussed it a few times to
no avail. When the monitor is cold, everything looks good, but after about
30 mins or so, the fonts turn fuzzy. I normally run my ATI 9700 Pro @
1024X768 32-bit colour, 85Hz refresh. Is this worth repairing? If so, where
would one begin to look? Thanks!
