Maker Pro
Maker Pro

ctc 169



have a big screen ctc169 that takes about 1 min to show a raster. changed
hi-voltage spliter and wave shape cap and now have this problem. after
warm up set seems to be ok.customer cant tell us much as set was a gift
from his was dead when we picked it up. and spiter box was bad.
almost as if maybe start-up cap is bad, never had one like this before.
any ideas? thanks .. jack @allen park tv in michigan

Jerry G.

Do an ESR test on all the caps in the power supply, and the scan
circuits. You may find a number of them going high. In many TV sets, the
caps in these areas cause slow start-ups, and etc.


Jerry G.

have a big screen ctc169 that takes about 1 min to show a raster.
hi-voltage spliter and wave shape cap and now have this problem. after
warm up set seems to be ok.customer cant tell us much as set was a gift
from his was dead when we picked it up. and spiter box was
almost as if maybe start-up cap is bad, never had one like this before.
any ideas? thanks .. jack @allen park tv in michigan


Are filaments lighting? Does H.V. come up immediately? Have you replaced the
caps and diode in the power supply? Are you getting vertical deflection?