Maker Pro
Maker Pro

CTC 169 AJ Chassis Problem



This is a continuation of my "OnScreenDisplay" problem from the past.

Things have gotten worse, with additional related problems.
It all points to the 40 pin "System Control" IC, U3101
Listed in the field service manual as Stock Number 202017.

The part is no longer available from RCA/ProScan.

The set works fine except for the OSD, and now some channel selections
as well.

If anyone has one of these parts around, I would be interested in
buying it.

If anyone has a CTC 169 AJ chassis in a set being scrapped, I would be
interested in that as well. (I can pull the controller chip out.)

Thanks for any help whatever. I'd hate to scrap this otherwise fine

- Matt Baum (201)666-9207