Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Crystal 16000.0

Hi guys,

Hopefully an easy one.

I have a crystal pictured, I want to change the crystal.

Looking ideally for a Part number RS components or Farnell or any help just identifying this part.

Thanks Jason


Hi guys,

Hopefully an easy one.

I have a crystal pictured, I want to change the crystal.

Looking ideally for a Part number RS components or Farnell or any help just identifying this part.

Thanks Jason

Hi ya Jason

It's either 16MHz or 16kHz
I'm tending towards 16 kHz

Make a basic crystal oscillator and stick in the crystal and see which of those 2 freq's it resonates on

Do you have a 50MHz or better scope or a frequency counter ?

why do you want to change it ?

It's physical size is known as UM-5 but that sized won't be easy to obtain. I'd say it's a 16MHz device (too small for 16kHz) and the HC-49U will probably fit although you really need to know if it is a fundamental, overtone, series, parallel etc.

Do you have details of the circuit it came from or a picture of the board?
Thanks guys,

I don't have any test equipment.

I'm only changing to see if it fixes a problem with a automotive pcb board I have that has failed. I have changed several other parts and though this could be the issue. For a couple of pounds worth replacing it and see what happens.

I read that time and temperature effects these, and this automotive part lives inside the engine bay and get hot.

Picture can bee seen here

Thanks again.
There's no 'usual' requirement for 16kHz in modern electronics but 16MHz is a common processor clock frequency.

Unless the OP has some specific reason for declaring the crystal faulty I think it is unlikely to be the cause of any fault as they are, generally, very reliable.

What other tests have been made prior to the decision process as specified? The device in the photo looks to be a MOSFET that has blown up. This can happen because of an external event and replacement is often all that is required to restore operation.