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CRT TV No vertical deflection after changing vertical ic and capacitors around it.

CRT TV No vertical deflection after changing vertical ic and capacitors around it.NOTE: (when i change the vertical deflection expand to 1 inch and i can read VIDEO1,CHANNELS.) what is the problem can you tell me what it is because i already spent $4 and still the problem is not solve. i dont know what the model is but it is a samsung brand here are some pictures i take.(THE MEANING IF RED DOTS IN PICTURE IS TO INFORM THAT THE COMPONENT IS CHANGED.)


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I circled the rest of the potential problems. The large resistor and the transistors would be my first choice of components to check or replace, followed by the diodes, the remaining electrolytic capacitor and then the polypropylene film capacitors.
Vertical Deflection.jpg

thanks for the reply btw. i want also to change the diode below the vertical ic it's IN4937 but this diode is out of stock in my area is there any other replacement for the this diode?
We don't know what country you're in.
If you have access to NTE replacement parts, the 1N4937 crosses to:
Like KJ6EAD mentioned, the suspect parts he mentioned, are your more likely causes. I assume you can make some simple resistance checks with an ohmmeter?
check 1st if they have complete supply voltage at vertical section.. also resolder the jungle IC.. hope this will help..
like magnetic

i read some electromagnetic thingy on the internet that some no vertical deflection is cause by electromagnetic thingy.thats weird and mind if i ask what is that like magnetic component at lower left covered with gray plastic(L401) because when i put screw driver on the top of that circle(L401) the screw driver and that component will attract while the upper right there is no reaction?

sorry for this noob asking i only repaired 2 tv in this year.thanks for the replies
'L' on the board silkscreen deotes an inductor.
I don't know what your internet article covered, but I suspect it was in reference to your CRT (cathode ray tube) picture tube.
The 'yolk' assembly is the wire-wound part that is around the neck of the picture tube.
The television circuit provides signals to the yolk that causes the deflection of the
light beams to the phospher coating on the face of the picture tube. That's how
you get a full picture on the front of the screen, from the little cathode ray guns in the
neck of the picture tube.
I feel I should mention that you don't seem all that familiar with how CRT televisions
work. There are extemely high voltages there, and you need to be extremely careful
when you're working in there.
Be careful and good luck.

thanks for the advice shrtnd but i always check the voltage of that RED WIRE OF DEATH LOL btw is there a way that an inductor will not function properly and if there is way, can i change that inductor with any inductor?thank you very much for the replies and advice's.
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Latest Replacement

here is a latest picture and video now...btw the components circled with light green that is the components mark by "srtrnd" to be replace so i replaced it.

any recomendations?

btw if i turn this 2 component in the picture circled with red the vertical deflection will compress in a very thin line.
sorry for the question. i am a totally newbie but when im repairing this tv im very careful in touching wires.

i hope i can repair this tv i've spent already a $9 and maybe $15 is enough to repair this tv.
Vertical IC=$4
Other Components=$5


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First since you are working on a unit that does produce very high voltage, and is a hot chassis keep one hand in your pocket if you decided to work on the unit with power applied. Also, sometimes capacitors charge up even with no power applied.

I think your at the wrong part of the circuit for the vertical deflection problem. I am adding a schematic to this post to show you where to look. On this unit it would have the problem you described, replacing C311, and C312 usually corrected this problem.

I would look at at caps under 1000mf and not lower then 1mf, off of the vertical IC chip/Processor. On the schematic I have referenced, I would be looking around IC601 and IC301. The mylar caps won’t be your problem.

IC601 – H/V processor
IC301 – Vertical Defection Output
maybe Jotto is correct. but the problem is the .pdf of jotto is not the circuit of my tv board.jotto must be correct because when i replace the TA8427K with TA8403K and caps around it there is no change in vertical deflection only a horizontal white with colored line and even when i remove TA8403K from the board and turn the tv on there is still no change in the screen only a horizontal white with colored line.what should i do to find that fuc***** vertical ic.but im 60%sure that TA8427K/TA8403K is the vertical deflection ic.any recommendations please?
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TA8427K is your Vertical Processor/Deflector and is a available at MCM Electronics for 1.17 each

TA8403K is your Vertical Amplifier which is not available from Toshiba, but a suitable sub will be NTE7158

You are correct the PDF that I referenced was just a drawing for you to look at. All the vertical circuits are very similar. I have worked on 1000’s of CRT units, out of them all 90% were capacitor failure, sometimes the IC, and 1 time the yoke. To correctly troubleshoot this unit you need to look at the vertical frequency. I didn’t mention this because I don’t think you have a scope to look at signal, and your knowledge of electronics is limited.

What are the reference numbers in the circuit you are working on? Look for electrolytic caps in that section. From your pictures I would guess the second heat sink behind the one you reference is where you might want to look, but also realize that all the components don’t have to be right there, they could be in another part of the board. Kind of the reason we like to look at the schematic, it helps us find the faulty parts, but not all the time are they available now, and now you have to use your experience.

Since you have referenced no model number for your TV, I can only give you knowledge of the circuit and my experience troubleshooting CRT units.