Maker Pro
Maker Pro

CRT Monitor flashes because of gsm/wifi/wireless signals ?!?


Skybuck Flying


Because my DreamPC from 2006 died I am not behind my old Pentium III 450 mhz
and a CRT Monitor.

I notice how sometimes the CRT Monitor flashes.

I once noticed how a guy held a GSM near a monitor and caused a big
degaus-like-phenomenon on a crt monitor.

I am now starting to wonder if gsm/wifi/wireless signals are interferring
with the CRT monitor... I used to think it was perhaps dieing or old or
cable loose, but it still seems to work fine except for the occasional flash
which is kinda weird.

So does anybody else has an explanation for the occasional flash (as if the
power drops away shortly) or has anybody else ,living in a city or land with
gsm masts/wifi and so forth, noticed any flashes on CRT monitors ?!?
Ofcourse nowadays most people probably have LCD's which don't seem to have
this problem... so I would expect the number of people to actually notice
this to be quite low if the effect is real/related to wireless signals.

Also suppose this effect is real/related to wireless signals then why does
my old TV not have the same problem/behaviour/effect ?!? It's more or less
the same technology ? Or maybe not.

In what way is a CRT Monitor different from old teletube TV technology ?!?!?

(Both use a beam of light ?!?)



Skybuck said:

Because my DreamPC from 2006 died I am not behind my old Pentium III 450 mhz
and a CRT Monitor.

I notice how sometimes the CRT Monitor flashes.

I once noticed how a guy held a GSM near a monitor and caused a big
degaus-like-phenomenon on a crt monitor.

I am now starting to wonder if gsm/wifi/wireless signals are interferring
with the CRT monitor... I used to think it was perhaps dieing or old or
cable loose, but it still seems to work fine except for the occasional flash
which is kinda weird.

So does anybody else has an explanation for the occasional flash (as if the
power drops away shortly) or has anybody else ,living in a city or land with
gsm masts/wifi and so forth, noticed any flashes on CRT monitors ?!?
Ofcourse nowadays most people probably have LCD's which don't seem to have
this problem... so I would expect the number of people to actually notice
this to be quite low if the effect is real/related to wireless signals.

Also suppose this effect is real/related to wireless signals then why does
my old TV not have the same problem/behaviour/effect ?!? It's more or less
the same technology ? Or maybe not.

In what way is a CRT Monitor different from old teletube TV technology ?!?!?

(Both use a beam of light ?!?)


I think the monitor is getting too hot. Must have lots of dust collected
inside by now. :(
It would be wise to open it up for inspection.

Martin Brown

I think the monitor is getting too hot. Must have lots of dust collected
inside by now. :(
It would be wise to open it up for inspection.

For once Skybuck has made a valid observation. GSM phones when close to
some traditional crt monitors can induce sufficient stray voltage into
the control circuity to interfere with scanning usually most pronounced
just before they take a call and start to ring. The phone has to be very
close to the right part of the crt. Better screened ones don't do it.

Martin Brown

Skybuck Flying

Hmm I have not noticed it flashing for a while.

I just noticed the cable was a bit loose on the pc side ! ;)

Kinda knew it ! ;) =D

So this could explain it ! ;) =D

I tightened it so maybe it won't happen again the flashing...


Skybuck Flying

Yup another flash happened, and this time the cables all well connected.

So it's not a cable issue that's for sure.



Yup another flash happened, and this time the cables all well connected.

So it's not a cable issue that's for sure.


That you are an idiot is the only thing we have established as being
fact about you and your PC stupidity.

My X2 is still running fine, and that is through three heat sink trade
outs. It is now approaching 8 years of age. Like your mental maturity

It was also one of the first gen CPUs, so it ran exceptionally hot
compared to their modern stuff, and that was a well known fact among
folks who build their own PCs, with you apparently being the only
exception. Why am I not surprised?

Essentially, you are an idiot, because AMD's thermal issues back in
their early days was thoroughly documented, and spoke on in forums.
It was WIDELY known. It was also widely known that if the interface
between the heatsink and the cpu fails, so too does the cpu. And back
then, a failed AMD cpu could take out the whole MOBO and PSU on failure.

You are just too much of a complete idiot to do your 'homework' right.
And I would say that problem likely pervades every corner of your
pathetic life.

You cross posted this to a cable TV group. Why, idiot? Do you read
ANY of the groups you invade with this dumb shit on a daily basis?

If not, STOP posting there, you stupid fucktard!

You are as stupid as a spoiled little boy can get. What is it with you
and hunting up groups to invade with your pathetic stupidity?

André, PE1PQX

I AM THAT I AM stelde dit idée voor :

Do not feed the F*cking trolls!!!


Said the troll, over here in s.e.d.

From Wiki:
Troll (Internet), an internet term for a person who, through willful action,
attempts to disrupt a community or garner attention and controversy through
provocative messages.

I'd say that provocative in this context means always posting
mis-information, AlwayWrong.
There are some individuals out there who don't just enjoy winding up people on
newsgroups and bulletin boards - it's their sad lifestyle choice! Using every
known disruptive trick in the book, these troublesome types don't go out to
the pub, meet members of the opposite sex or enjoy life.

They spend their time
hunched over their computers trolling.

It is the way of the Keyboard Commando!
The content of a "troll posting generally falls into several areas.
It may consist of an apparently foolish contradiction of common knowledge,

That's you to a T, AlwaysWrong!
a deliberately offensive insult to the readers of a newsgroup,

Wow! It's like they know you personally!
or a broad request for trivial follow-up postings.

There are three reasons why people troll newsgroups:

People post such messages to get attention, to disrupt newsgroups, and simply to make trouble.

Career trollers tend for the latter two

Indeed. How long have you been trolling SED, AlwaysWrong? [wink wink]
whilst the former is the mark of the clueless newbie and should be ignored.

Or just an attention-seeking moron who nym-shifts to avoid killfiles.
Wait, that's you as well.


Or just an attention-seeking moron who nym-shifts to avoid killfiles.
Wait, that's you as well.

Is that why they have been the same nyms the whole time?

nym shifters change to hide.

My nyms are several years old, with the most recent being several
months old already, and *none* hide my ID.

You should probably try again.

If you leave lies out, you'll have your answer.

Then, there is that thing where you claim I am wrong when I am not.

Try again, little boy. Your immaturity is glaring again, troll.

Skybuck Flying

Fag bitch, what does this have to do with the flashing ?

The flashing is on a totally other computer fool !

It has nothing to do with AMD !

Don't you get it ?! LOL.

This is 1999 technology flashing you faggot ! ;) =D

AMD probably didn't even exist back then ?! ;) =D

Skybuck ! ;) =D

ben doedens

Skybuck said:
Fag bitch, what does this have to do with the flashing ?

The flashing is on a totally other computer fool !

It has nothing to do with AMD !

Don't you get it ?! LOL.

This is 1999 technology flashing you faggot ! ;) =D

AMD probably didn't even exist back then ?! ;) =D

In 1990 I bought an AT286 computer with a 80286/16 processor from AMD.

Skybuck Flying

ben doedens said:
In 1990 I bought an AT286 computer with a 80286/16 processor from AMD.


I googled them, their history. These fokkers been in bussines for 30 fokking
years and they can't even deliver a decent specification with their
products/processors ?!? Holy fok ?!?

Was it always this bad ?! ;)




I googled them, their history. These fokkers been in bussines for 30 fokking
years and they can't even deliver a decent specification with their
products/processors ?!? Holy fok ?!?

Was it always this bad ?! ;)


You are so goddamned stupid that you do not know what you are looking
at when you see a specification listing.

You are as pathetic as an uneducated twit with mommy's money can get.


Fag bitch,

Is this an insult in your country? How sad.
what does this have to do with the flashing ?

The flashing is in your brain, child. There are no spaces between the
end of your sentence and the punctuation mark, idiot.
The flashing is on a totally other computer fool !

As if you need more than one, idiot.
It has nothing to do with AMD !

An idiot like you would not know.
Don't you get it ?! LOL.

An idiot like you could never grasp the depth of how much more than you
everyone else in the world 'gets it'.
This is 1999 technology flashing you faggot ! ;) =D

Your punctuation gives you away as an adolescent child, at best.
AMD probably didn't even exist back then ?! ;) =D

You lack of knowledge of something so simple and info so available is
another indication of how little you know, and how little credence anyone
should give to you.
Skybuck ! ;) =D
If only you would go away and not return.

Lord Valve

I said:
Your punctuation gives you away as an adolescent child, at best.

You lack of knowledge of something so simple and info so available is
another indication of how little you know, and how little credence anyone
should give to you.

Ooops. Just sayin'...

Lord Valve
<pick something>