Maker Pro
Maker Pro

creating a simple computer



is it possible to create a simple computer without a microprocessor? if
yes .how?if no ,why?

Vipin Nair

Define the word "simple"

If ur needs are +,-,*,/ then u can make it using elctronics components like
trnasistors,op-amps, restistors,

If ur need "simpl"icity increases. number of the components increases, a
better way is to make it compact by (miniaturisation )& call it as IC.



AhmadHusen said:
is it possible to create a simple computer without a microprocessor? if
yes .how?if no ,why?

The concept of the arithmetic-logic unit (ALU) is independent of
microprocessor ICs. You can make an ALU and support circuitry
(definition of a microprocessor) out of discrete transistors, vacuum
tubes, or even relays:

Note that the memory on the relay computer in the link is a SRAM IC,
rather than relays. That's primarily because each bit of relay memory,
like each bit of valve, transistor or IC mask memory, is boring and
repetitive, takes a lot of space, and you need an awful lot of them.
This also makes it easier to load a program.

As to why, you would have to ask yourself. There's no real world
advantage in doing it in any of the above ways.

I would guess the relay computer above was done as a teaching tool to
show that the ALU concept is independent of an IC process. Things have
come a long way since ENIAC. If you want to play, get a development
system for a PIC, and have fun. There's a lot more rewarding stuff to
do than reinvent the wheel.

Good luck


.... about 40 million years ago, there was a computer named ENIAC - no
microprocessor. I even built a "simple" computer when my kids were
small that would convert (4) binary switches (on/off) to a decimal
equivalent number on a seven segment display. Yes, it's possible to
create a computer without a microprocessor now-a-days but, why would
you want to? If you "need" a small computer, get a "BASIC Stamp". If
you need a small "controller", get a small PLC - Panasonic (Aromat)
makes several, low-cost versions.



is it possible to create a simple computer without a microprocessor?
Sure. It was done in Nazi Germany.*-computer+1941+conditional-jumps
Foley already mentioned relays.

The Brits did it with vacuum tubes a few years later
--preceding ENIAC by just a bit.*-*-secret-*-remained-*-for-many-years
(The transistor wasn't invented until 1947.)
To *create* one requires a knowledge of "digital logic".
"Arithmetic Logic Unit" has already been mentioned.


Hello Ahmad,

is it possible to create a simple computer without a microprocessor? if
yes .how?if no ,why?

You mention this and I start looking for my old SlideRule. I could not
find it so how about an Abacus?

Great collection photos:

"Those who scorn computer history are those who really don't grasp
what is happening today and will never really shape tomorrow."
-Don Congdon

Good Luck,

* * *

Temecula CA.USA