Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Crazy situation with reconditioning batteries

Ok, here's a strange situation I have come across in my journies in reconditioning.

I have come across some aviontic battery cells that are several years old. However, after sitting for quite some time with little fluid, each of the smaller cells tested at .9volt to 1.3volt. The larger cells mostly were in the .5 - .9 range. So, I figured I'd try to recondition them for use in my 1600Watt UPS.

So I connect the cells up so that I can charge them using a standard 12Volt charger (the cells come in a steel case setup for a 24Volt system). I had to first use a dump wall charger to pull them high enough so the battery charger would see enough voltage and actually turn on.

Along with the battery charger, I also have a voltmeter in parrallel so that I can disconnect the charger and test drain down of the packs.

Well, here's the weird situation. I had noticed that when I had bumped the cells, there was a spark from one of the connections. So I checked all the screws and found where it was loose. I disconnected the battery charger, but the voltmeter was still connected. I unscrewed the two screws holding down the one lug that had a bad connection. I glanced down at the voltmeter, and it was showing about a volt worth of charge. Mind you, the cells are now physically disconnected about 1/2 way down the series chain.

So, as baffeling as this is, I took pictures of the oddity.

As you can see in these photos, there is voltage being read while the lug is disconnected. As a curiosity, I moved the one half of the pack away from the other. Still a voltage reading, albiet a bit lower. Moved farther away, still reading. To show that it was the packs it was reading from, I disconnected the voltmeter and it dropped to 0.00 shown in the second to last pic. Then I reconnected and moved the 1/2-pack closer and the voltage reading showed up again.

So, what kind of craziness is this?!?! I'm confused about this strange tail of odd power flow through thin air without any induction coils.

Any ideas?

In my experience, digital multimeters (especially cheaper versions) can give unexplained readings. Must remember they have thousands of ohms input impedence.
Try loading with a 10k resistor or similar(my bet is the reading will go to zero)
Or use an analogue meter (
Could be electrolyte leakage through or around the case giving a miniscule path back to the disconnected electrodes.
Same reason not to sit the cells on bare concrete.
Hmm, that makes sense. The cells were still wet from charging, as well as the piece of cardboard they were sitting on. Thanks :)

Another thing...
I noticed that the cells water level was slowly over-flowing, pretty heavily. Then when I got at the right angle to the light and a cell, I noticed an air pocket. I started gently tapping on the cells with a wrench and tiny bubbles started rushing upward. I continued to tap for awhile but the bubbles just seemed to never stop. Is there a better way to get the bubbles to be released instead of building up? Am I correct that the bubbles can hinder the charging process if they get blocked between the plates?
