Maker Pro
Maker Pro



Vinod Koul

I tried to calculate the CPW parametrs using the formulation given
in RAINEE SIMONS: coplanar waveguide circuits, components and systems,
wiley interscience. this is the only place which deals with synthesis
of CPW. but has errors, i checked with the orignal ref and made
corrections. well getting to point, there two sets of formulae are
given 1st calclates slot width given all other things, and second
central conductor width.
But both these sets are not consistent with each other, like i tried
to simulate both equations in MATLAB, and answers in both were not
consistent with each other. For eg i calc, S= 272Micrometer for er=13,
Z=50, w=100u, h=100u, now for second set, its giving w = 18u, for the
same data as abive (s= 272u)!!!!
can anyone help me out

Andrew Tweddle

Vinod said:
I tried to calculate the CPW parametrs using the formulation given
in RAINEE SIMONS: coplanar waveguide circuits, components and systems,
wiley interscience. this is the only place which deals with synthesis
of CPW. but has errors, i checked with the orignal ref and made
corrections. well getting to point, there two sets of formulae are
given 1st calclates slot width given all other things, and second
central conductor width.
But both these sets are not consistent with each other, like i tried
to simulate both equations in MATLAB, and answers in both were not
consistent with each other. For eg i calc, S= 272Micrometer for er=13,
Z=50, w=100u, h=100u, now for second set, its giving w = 18u, for the
same data as abive (s= 272u)!!!!
can anyone help me out
Try using Appcad from Agilent

and failing that hand calculate the equation from first principles.
It is a simple Div/Grad/Curl equation.
