Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Countdown Timer with Alarm Trigger

I need to provide a countdown timer with a big wireless button for a disabled person.
- The countdown timer must countdown from pre-set 15 minutes and be started by a wireless push button.
- At zero minutes, it must be able to trigger an external alarm or bell for 15 seconds, unless acknowledged earlier
- The timer should then reset awaiting the next same event.
Only the trigger button has to be wireless.

It is to be used by disabled people when alerting carers for providing on-call assistance at pre-set intervals.

Kindly assist


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I am finding it difficult to understand what you are asking for. It sounds like you are saying you push the button, then it waits 15 minutes and then activates an alarm? This does not make a lot of sense, what if help is needed immediately? Or are you saying something different?

This can be done with a CD4060 as the timing generator and a few small signal diodes to decode the output state, inhibit, and reset.
