Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Cost vs Value for grid tied PV


Harry Graham

I'm building a house with a 40degree roof facing South. The house was
designed for PV but I now plan on selling it. Can I make any money on
installing the PV before I sell the house. Everybody says "let the buyer
install the solar". What's the payoff on selling with PV?

Mt. Ranch California


Harry Graham said:
I'm building a house with a 40degree roof facing South. The house was
designed for PV but I now plan on selling it. Can I make any money on
installing the PV before I sell the house. Everybody says "let the buyer
install the solar". What's the payoff on selling with PV?

Your payoff would probably be negative, and it would narrow your potential
market to only those who are interested in owning such a system. You can get
some punch by advertising the house as "PV ready". Your buyer could possibly
take the opportunity to add the PV immediately and include it in the first
mortage for relatively cheap financing.

The standard advice (that I have always heard) is that major projects do
not normally contribute their entire cost to the future resale price of a home.
Paint and gingerbread are another matter.

Vaughn (my advice is worth what you paid for it)