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cost of installation- hard wired panic buttons


Johnny Lee

Thank you to everyone who responded to my last post.

I was looking for an estimate to install around 45 panic alarms (hard
wired or remote) for a social services, county government agency.
This is just a rough estimate. I realize that there are different
variables that would affect the price. I am trying to get a gauge on
what an installation cost might be.
This would be for about 3-4 different offices/areas for about 45
people. Please let me know if you need more information.

thank you,
Johnny Lee

Crash Gordon

How in the world would anyone here be able to help?

Go walk the job to get a feel for how much time and materials it will take
you to run each one then multiply by 90.

| Thank you to everyone who responded to my last post.
| I was looking for an estimate to install around 45 panic alarms (hard
| wired or remote) for a social services, county government agency.
| This is just a rough estimate. I realize that there are different
| variables that would affect the price. I am trying to get a gauge on
| what an installation cost might be.
| This would be for about 3-4 different offices/areas for about 45
| people. Please let me know if you need more information.
| thank you,
| Johnny Lee


A rough estimate would be $22500, what it might be ? who knows anywhere
between $4500 and


Robert L Bass

You need to give us some idea of the distances the cables will be run plus the value of your labor. Labor prices vary from as low
as $20 to more than $70 per hour, depending upon what region of the country the job is in and the level of experience of the

I used to figure we could do one device per hour, including connection, programming and testing. That was for an "average"
residential installation in an existing home. If it was a prewire, average was about 1/2 to 2/3 the time of a retrofit job.
Commercial installations are sometimes easier and faster because of drop ceilings and existing low voltage chases (exercise care in
using these though). If the runs were longer or more difficult, or if the system was more complex, we'd charge more.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233

Robert L Bass

And how "legit" they are in regards to
licenses, bonding, insurance, worker's
comp for the helpers, etc.

Bonding, licensing and insurance have
little to do with legitimacy. Some states
don't even offer a license. Others do.
Very few states require bonding. Few
even ask for insurance.

From my personal observations over the
years, labor prices within the same market
may vary by as much as 50% from one
firm to the next. Most, but certainly not
all smaller companies charge less than
the large, national firms. Some of those
small dealers give superb service and
some are horrid. The same can be said
of the nationals.


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233

Robert L Bass

In Southern California, from my experience,
the rate is a good indication of how legit
any technical service is...

Perhaps. I agree that, given the cost of living
in SoCal, it would be difficult for a company
to offer service at $20 per hour. How about a
lone wolf, just getting started? He might be
as honest and legitimate as the day is long
but with limited overhead he might also be
willing to work for sub-par wages.

When I was first getting started I did the
same thing. I charged what the hardware
cost plus $xx per hour. As I landed more
sales and revenues became better I slowly
raised my rates until I was charging about
the same per hour as many of my
If we have somebody charging $20 an hour for ANY technical service, I can guarantee
you they don't have a license, nor a bond,
nor a liability policy.

I charged $25 an hour for several years with
a license and liability insurance. Bonding
isn't required in CT. Of course, that was
a long time ago.

However, we're concentrating on $20 an
hour as though that was the only option
below whatever the industry average is in
your area. Suppose that average is $70
(just picking a number at random) per hour.
Would someone charging $85 an hour be
more legitimate than someone charging
$70? Would someone charging $65 be
less legitimate than the guy charging the
average rate of $70?
How "legit" is somebody charging $20
an hour in Southern California? I mean, even if we take away all those things,
how are they making a living at that rate?

I think $20 an hour is too low to be a valid
barometer. How about someone charging
$55 an hour?
I don't want to take what you said out
of context. In my mind, being "legit" means you have all your ducks in a row
when it comes to taxes, licenses, and insurance policies to protect your home,
assets, and business...

That's a valid definition. Another might be
that the dealer does good work and stands
behind it. If he has the required license
but doesn't have a bond is he illegitimate?
What if a bond isn't required? If he has
$2M in liability coverage, is he more
legitimate than a smaller operator who
only has $500K of coverage?

Do you see what I mean? I'm not saying
that fees are not and indicator of how
stable a company is. Only that there
isn't necesarily a direct correlation between
fee and legitimacy.
That, to me, is an indication that you're
serious about your business, that you're
not a flake, and that I have recourse if
the job goes bad...

I was serious about my business when I
got started. I did the best I could and
installed the most reliable hardware I
could find. I made it my business to learn
everything I could about the systems and
technologies in the trade. However, in
the early years I had little money for
insurance. I got a license but I had to
hire a licensed tech until I had enough
hours to take the test. I never needed
bonding because I didn't do banks. Yet
I spent 24 years building a fine, small,
independent alarm company. Some
salesmen from a few of the bigger firms
used to poke fun at my little alarm
company. But I killed them on sales
fairly consistently and they knew it.
All in all, that's going to be reflected
in the rate.

No doubt about that. Where we differ is
in the degree to which the rate reflects


Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233

Robert L Bass

You asked a lot of questions,
I hope they were rhetorical. ;-)

Yep. I only wanted to make a point.
I wasn't using specific figures as
though they are actual. I have no
idea what the average firm in SoCal
gets. For your sake I hope it's lots. :^)
I understand what you're saying.
You brought up some good points.

You did as well.
I know an installer in the area that
only charges $45 an hour. I've seen
his work, and he has a good reputation.

IMO that's more important than whether
he has a bond or $2M in liability coverage.
That doesn't mean bonding and insurance
are unimportant though.
Based on his rate, though, I'd guess he's not "legit."...

It's p-ossible that he's willing to take a
lower rate just to gain enough accounts
to become stable. As I'm sure you know,
monitoring is the most important profit
center for most stable alarm companies.
By accepting a lower rate he may be
countering the "zero down" deals which
the authorized dealer programs promote.
Without knowing more about his
operation I doubt either of us could say
for sure how stable his business is.
Could be, but I doubt it. (For one, he
doesn't charge anything more for his
helper, when he needs one.) But, his
work is good, IMO. Very clean installs.

Only time will tell.
In any event, I wasn't trying to invalidate
what you had stated... Just adding
another layer of consideration...

I didn't think you were. You make a valid
point. If they charge too little for their work
one has to wonder what areas are being
The spread between $70 and $85 isn't that big of a deal...

That was sort of inverse hyperbole... not
intended as significant.
The spread between $20 and $70 (and
in our area $120) should raise some
flags at both ends....



Robert L Bass

Bass Home Electronics
4883 Fallcrest Circle
Sarasota · Florida · 34233