Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Cost of a new display panel for my Samsung LED TV?



In your opinion, what would it cost me to repair my Samsung 40" LED TV -- UN40B6000? It looks as if I need
a new display panel installed.


Dave Plowman (News)

On Fri, 5 Nov 2010 12:06:33 +0000 (UTC), Keith
If the display is dim, the problem is probably the backlight, not the
panel itself. If you can find the backlight tube and/or power supply
to purchase, it's not impossible to replace. However, it's not a
first-time electronics repair project - more along the lines of
rebuilding a 4 barrel carburetor in the days before nearly all
engines had fuel injection.

Thought LED TVs use LEDs as backlights? And if a few fail...
In your opinion, what would it cost me to repair my Samsung 40" LED TV -- UN40B6000? It looks as if I need
a new display panel installed.


Barring physical damage to the LCD panel itself (ie, hit by Wii
controller) it should be unnecessary to replace the panel. What you
have described in one of your replies sounds like a bad T-conn board.
