Yes, I made a mistake on the circuit I popped out of my head.
| | |
+ + |
3V bat--- | |
- - | 10K
| ^ Vf 50 >| ___
| + Sch PNP |- -|___|-+
=== | /| |
GND | | |
| | |
+-------+----------+ .-. |
| | | | |
| | | | 47 |
+ | '-' |
| | | |
- | | |
--- 3 Volt PV | V -> |
| | - |
| | |
GND | | |
| === |
+ GND |
And don't ask me how to invert the PNP around in that program. I gave
up trying..
I forgot in the last circuit about the emitter lifting .
Yes, JF, I made a mistake.. But In any case this will work with a
3 Volt PV.. and a 1N5817 type Schotty will work for this. How ever,
since it's obvious that a single PV isn't going to do shit to aid in
charging or supplying power for a solar device like this, it's only
assume that a multi-cell unit would be in use.
The original posting was to simply use a PR, (Photo Resistor) to
switch. I am offering both here with one device.
| | |
+ + |
3V bat--- | |
- - | 10K
| ^ Vf 50 >| ___
| + Sch PNP |- -|___|-+
=== | /| |
GND | | |
| | |
+-------+----------+ .-. |
| | | | |
| | | | 47 |
+ | '-' |
| | | |
- | | |
--- 3 Volt PV | V -> |
| | - |
| | |
GND | | |
| === |
+ GND |
And don't ask me how to invert the PNP around in that program. I gave
up trying..
I forgot in the last circuit about the emitter lifting .
Yes, JF, I made a mistake.. But In any case this will work with a
3 Volt PV.. and a 1N5817 type Schotty will work for this. How ever,
since it's obvious that a single PV isn't going to do shit to aid in
charging or supplying power for a solar device like this, it's only
assume that a multi-cell unit would be in use.
The original posting was to simply use a PR, (Photo Resistor) to
switch. I am offering both here with one device.