Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Cool the temperature inside a perspex box

How would I cool the temperature inside a perspex box, without too fast an airflow inside the box (or no airflow at all)?

The perspex box would be in an art gallery. It would be A5 size, with inside height of about 8mm. The lighting in the gallery wouldn't be massively hot, however I need to keep the temperature inside the box, at about 18-24 degrees celsius.

I was looking up the three methods of cooling: Conduction, Convection and Radiant. I was also considering using a CPU fan, but was concerned about the fast airflow.
A fan does not cool something unless the something is above the air temperature. Is there something in the box that is producing heat? If not, why would it be above room temperature?

A fan does not cool something unless the something is above the air temperature. Is there something in the box that is producing heat? If not, why would it be above room temperature?


Thanks for your input!

True about the fan. If the perspex box is sealed won't it act like a greenhouse? The powerful lights in galleries can be hot, so I assumed they would heat the inside of the box slowly over time? If not, then great news.