AUDIO> is positive or ground or both?
[C} is capacitor? how much?
[R] is resistor? how much?
what is [LDR] ? is this a light sensor ?
[LDR] has 2 outputs, do these go to the +5v and gnd of the paddle?
What is the [POT] between Gnd and Vcc? Is this to adjust the gain of
the audio driving the LED?
What is Vcc?
Then I wrote and crossposted to sed:
Not really. Just view it using a fixed pitch font like Courier and
if it still doesn't make sense post back with what you don't
+---[R]--+ +---->OUT
| | |
| [LED]--> [LDR]
AUDIO>---[C]----+-----+--|-\ | |
| | >--+ +---->OUT
[R] +--|+/
| |
GND>------------+ |
| |