Maker Pro
Maker Pro

converting damagged stepper motor to generator

I have a damaged stepper motor unipolar with 6 wires and want to convert it to generator with two wires, but i doubt whether it is possible to do so. any suggestions?
Thank you
Sure, no problem, just identify the motor wires, make two small full-wave rectifiers, and hook them in series or in parallell according to needs. Look here for an example.
Sure, no problem, just identify the motor wires, make two small full-wave rectifiers, and hook them in series or in parallell according to needs. Look here for an example.

But the winding in the motor was damaged and i have already removed the winding. now i need to either rewind as stepper or as DC motor. What would you suggest.
Uh, that much damaged... I don't see how you can rewind it as a DC motor?

yeah you are right. I searched the internet for winding and found out that it could only be rewounded into stepper. now the motor stator has 8 poles and its a 1.8 degree step angle motor. i get confused of how to rewind it. moreover every pole had two wires wound together. I'm really confused. I have alot of high quality winding wire of the same guage. i want to rewind the motor to be used in my generator project.
A picture would help, but no matter how many poles there are there should be two bobbins. Just fill them up with wire, preferably with the same number of turns in each.
If there are 8 separately wound poles then they need to be series-connected in the right way. I can't explain that w/o a picture.
Never mind the dual-filament winding. It's probably done just to get the center connection (look at my link above).
I'l post the picture of the motor soon, but another thing i had in mind was whether it could be made more powerful in regards to torque and RPM?
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I don't think there's anything you can do to improve it other than filling the winding area with as much copper as possible. The magnet strength is a limiting factor.