Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Convert 24VDC@250mA -> 12VDC@500mA

Is it possible to convert 24VDC@250mA to 12VDC@some higher current.

I guess I could use a tranformer if it where AC but what is my options with DC?
Oh!....I didn't know such a thing existed :)

I found this one:

Spec. PDF

Input: 9.0 - 36 VDC
Output: 6,5VDC @ 1.0A

If input is 24VDC max. 250mA how much current will I be able to draw from the output at 6,5VDC (roughly)?
But the output current must depend on the size of the input current!
But you mean that 250mA @ 24V is enough to provide 1A @ 6,5V

I other words, if the input current was 0,1mA @ 24V it would be impossible to get get 1A output, right?
Ahh ok i understand.

is your source a variable input?? does the output need to be linear?? it says the maximum output current is 1A i think this suggests that 1A @ a low Vin is also the maximum input current. therfore 1A in @ low Vin will give 1A out Maximum.

I suppose you could opt for a higher output voltage then drop the voltage accross a resistor network to boost the current to your required rating. However this will not work for a variable input. if the input is variable does the output current have to be fixed??

More info please.

My volt input in not variable.

What I mean is: Does a DC-DC converter work like a transformer in sence of current, e.g. your put in 24V@1A and are able to take out 6v@5A?

Or does the DC-DC convert just decrease the voltage and doesn't change/increase the possible current.
I hope I make sence :p
OK i understnad - no variable input you just want to know the relationship between the currnet and voltage in an inverter.

basically it is the same as with any conversion. The power is always the same. for instance if you are converting from 24VDC to 12VDC you are halfing the Voltage so the Current is doubled.

So 24VDC to 6VDC is a division of 4 so the output current is 4 times the input current.
They're neat, but notice that there is a small conversion power loss involved, somewhere between 5-25%, depending on the specific inverter and its operating conditions.