Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Controlling a simple DC brushed motor by PWM

Hi guys,
I want to control a simple brushed DC motor (2 wires). I'm using a PLC with PWM output. I'm looking for a cheap and reliable solution to it. What element would be best for implementing the output to the motor?
the motor is 24v, 300w.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
You might be able to find a controller for an old ebike or escooter. 24V 300W brushed motors we're not uncommon prior to the use of brushless DC motors.
What make of PLC?
If you already have a PWM signal output then feed it into a suitable power Mosfet, add suitable supply for the motor.
Do you need to reverse the motor or just control its speed? If reversal is required then things get more complicated.
One possible solution if reversal is needed, as you are using a PLC, total logic control can be achieved with a couple of spare outputs to control a common dual reversing contactor.
I like the Mosfet idea, but I don't know too much about it. Except of high frequency and the wattage, is there any other specifications that I need to take care about? Is zero crossing relevant in this case?
I do need also reversing the motor but this is not a problem (another 2 relays).
If the 100Khz is the freq of the PWM that is fairly high, But I suspect you should be able to do it with a suitable Mosfet.
If you Google PWM with Mosfet you should get many links to give you the general idea.