Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Constant voltage increment circuit

I am a civil engineer and hence dont know anything about electronics so please help me. I need a circuit or a device which increases voltage for -250mv to +250mv at a rate of 0.1 mv/second
We need more details about your question.

Are you talking about a circuit that takes in input voltage of -250 mV and translates it to an output voltage of +250 mV?

Are you talking about a circuit that produces a voltage ramp from -250 mV to +250 mV?

Something else?

If the circuit has an external input, what is that input coming from? A sensor of some type, another circuit, etc?

What does the output of the circuit do? Does it drive a motor controller, an alarm system, etc?

"increases voltage ... at a rate of...." sounds like a description of a ramp to me.

My questions would be:

What starts the ramp?
What does it do after it hits the max?
What is the load on the output?

input voltage can be any constant power supply source but the output voltage should be a increasing voltage at the rate of 1mv/sec starting from -250mV and ending at 250mV.


input voltage can be any constant power supply source but the output voltage should be a increasing voltage at the rate of 1mv/sec starting from -250mV and ending at 250mV.

1mV / sec or 0.1mV / sec as in your first post ?

and what answers to the other questions you were asked ?

the more you help us, the easier it is for us to help you
0.1mV/sec would best but is this is not possible then 1mV/sec can also work.
Actually there are three electrodes in a conductive liquid I have to apply a voltage which increases at rate of 1mV/sec or 0.1mV/Sec (which ever possible) between 1 and 2 electrode and measure current between electrodes 2 and 3 every second. After it hits the maximum voltage the i will change one of the electrodes with another sample and repeat the same process . And so on with different samples. And by getting the voltage and current readings I have to plot certain graphs and do further calculations for my project. I have a device that can measure current so I just need a voltage source which increases as per my requirement mentioned above.
"increases voltage ... at a rate of...." sounds like a description of a ramp to me.

My questions would be:

What starts the ramp?
What does it do after it hits the max?
What is the load on the output?

Actually there are three electrodes in a conductive liquid I have to apply a voltage which increases at rate of 1mV/sec or 0.1mV/Sec (which ever possible) between 1 and 2 electrode and measure current between electrodes 2 and 3 every second. After it hits the maximum voltage the i will change one of the electrodes with another sample and repeat the same process . And so on with different samples. And by getting the voltage and current readings I have to plot certain graphs and do further calculations for my project. I have a device that can measure current so I just need a voltage source which increases as per my requirement mentioned above.
Sounds like a potentiostat.

What starts the ramp? Press a button? A computer signal?

After one ramp. does the output sit at +0.250 V, return to 0 V, or what?

Sounds like a potentiostat.

What starts the ramp? Press a button? A computer signal?

After one ramp. does the output sit at +0.250 V, return to 0 V, or what?

A button and after one ramp is complete at +0.250 V it returns to -0.250 V then I connect a different sample and the ramp starts again from -0.250 V after pressing the button


A button and after one ramp is complete at +0.250 V it returns to -0.250 V then I connect a different sample and the ramp starts again from -0.250 V after pressing the button

and what tells it to start the ramp again ?
you will need a control process in there .... a microcontroller etc