Maker Pro
Maker Pro

connecting pic16f84 to pc thru pickit2


this is my first try to burn a program into a pic.
I have already created a hex file, compiled through CCS compiler.

Now, according to the info given in the pic datasheet and the guide from the pickit2 software,
i have connected as follows:
1st pin to 4(MCLR)
2nd pin to 14(VDD)
3rd pin to 5(VSS)
4th pin 13(RB7)
5th pin to 12(RB6)

before making these connections, by just connecting the pickit2 to pc, the software identifies it and says no device found and it even loads my hex file successfully. after making the above wiring, it does not allow me to load the hex file itself and says:
Pickit2 VDD and VPP voltage level errors:
Check target and retry operations

Pls help me out.
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