Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Connecting LM35 temperature sensor and 16F877A PIC to computer


As a school project i want to build this circuit

But since i am on a more computer engineering oriented career, he wants me to send the data to the computer instead of the display, so that i can build a small software for it.

The question is, how do i connect the output from the pic to to the computer?
My teacher said that with Arduino this was possible, but i have not found any info on that...
Is there any other way? Or is getting an Arduino worth it? (Where can i buy them in san diegoq;? can they only be bought by mail?)


EDIT: MISTAKE: I meant PIC 16F877A instead of ADC0804 , sry! If a mod can rename please do so...


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Welcome to the forums :)

Im not into PIC's and the programming thereof to any great extent. Generally make use of other peoples written programs to suit my needs when it comes to PIC's.
But since now one else had answered you I though Iwould chime in and give my considerations :)
My initial though was if you are sending data to the computer just go with the ADC 0804 etc and read its output data with the appropriate software. With that option, there's really no need for a pic or anything else between the sensor and the computer.

Are you expected to write the puter software as well ? or is this primarily a hardware exercise ?
There's plenty of A to D code out there that you couls use and alter for your own needs :)
