Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Connecting a TV and a monitor to a computer simultaneously



What a 26-27" panel TV inputs from a computer DVI output without
distortion (with a computer resolution equal to the TV matrix
What modern video card has two d-subs? I can find only with a d-sub and
DVI. My computer monitor has a d-sub only, and will be connected to a
video card d-sub output. The other video card output will be connected
to a TV.
Best regards,


What modern video card has two d-subs? I can find only with a d-sub and

Twin head or dual head video cards, ie those intended to drive two
monitors, usually have two d-sub outputs. My old ATI Radeon 7000 had

Check out NVIDIA nView 3.5 but there are many others.


What a 26-27" panel TV inputs from a computer DVI output without
distortion (with a computer resolution equal to the TV matrix
What modern video card has two d-subs? I can find only with a d-sub and
DVI. My computer monitor has a d-sub only, and will be connected to a
video card d-sub output. The other video card output will be connected
to a TV.
Best regards,

lots of modern cards will give you this. I personally use and nVidia
beastie that gives me an SVid out put (4 pin din) which I take to the
scart on my telly - works very well too... actually in setting this up
I learned a lot about the video on these cards - the video is handled
in a layer - when WMP is playing, the video layer is surrounded by a
transparent frame that lets the desktop show thru - hence why the
picture seems to lag when you drag the window about - no matter what
is on my desktop, when I play video - even in a tiny window, the SVid
output is always the video lyer and fits very nicely on my telly, so I
can leave sunnik playing and work on the machine at the same time - as
long as I don't cover the "playing area" in WMP otherwise I get
desktop on the telly. When there is no video playing, I get the centre
640x480 of my desktop on the telly.


Thanks feebo for your reply!
S-video is low quality for 1366*768 TV matrix resolution. DVI or d-
sub maps PC's 1366*768 resolution pixels 1:1 to TV's matrix pixels
giving a precision as on a computer monitor. But too little number of
TV's receive a computer resolution equal to its matrix resolution.
Some of them are LX line of LG LCD TV's.
Best regards,
lots of modern cards will give you this. I personally use and nVidia