Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Connecting +5V Vcc of LCD and PGA2310 to 8051 ports



I have 8051 controling LCD and PGA2310(Digital volume control). Based
on user inputs(remote) I need to switch on/off LCD, LCD Backlight and
PGA2310 which all require +5V Vcc. Instead of using relays to
connect/disconnect these devices to +5V supply can I connect 8051 port
pins to Vcc of these devices with pull up to switch ON(Logic
1)/OFF(Logic 0)?


I have 8051 controling LCD and PGA2310(Digital volume control). Based
on user inputs(remote) I need to switch on/off LCD, LCD Backlight and
PGA2310 which all require +5V Vcc. Instead of using relays to
connect/disconnect these devices to +5V supply can I connect 8051 port
pins to Vcc of these devices with pull up to switch ON(Logic
1)/OFF(Logic 0)?

Use a P-channel logic level FET, with the gate controlled by the 8051 pin.
