Maker Pro
Maker Pro

connecting 2 usb devices to PC using one cable

i have two devices, one a USB2 complaint devoice and the other USB1.1
complaint device. i need to connect both these devices to the PC using
one single cable (single USB2 port is used in the PC with one cable).
How do i do that? does this require special hardware or is it possible
to just connect them parallely?

Joel Kolstad

i have two devices, one a USB2 complaint devoice and the other USB1.1
complaint device. i need to connect both these devices to the PC using
one single cable (single USB2 port is used in the PC with one cable).
How do i do that? does this require special hardware or is it possible
to just connect them parallely?

No, you can't connect them in parallel!

You need a USB hub... sold at any computer/electronics store near you, or
on-line at,, and countless others places.

J.A. Legris

No, you can't connect them in parallel!

You need a USB hub... sold at any computer/electronics store near you, or
on-line at,, and countless others places.

Furthermore, you're not even allowed to use the word "parallely". The
same goes for "bigly" and "stupidly"...


But you have to spell it rightly: parallelly

Regarding USB, Joel is right. And USB hubs are so cheap you can take
them apart and sell the pieces for a profit. They make them in a
Chinese province (Chou Pi) where life is so awful the employees pay
the boss just to come inside the factory and sit down. Work costs

John Larkin

Furthermore, you're not even allowed to use the word "parallely". The
same goes for "bigly" and "stupidly"...


But you have to spell it rightly: parallelly

If the Brits can say "funnily", we can surely be allowed "parallelly."


J.A. Legris

what about serialy ?

Colin =^.^=

Serially and funnily are both in my American dictionary, but observe
that the root takes a complete "ly" suffix; an existing "l" is not
shared, unless it would make 3, so shrill becomes just shrilly.