Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Connect 12v linear actuator to wemo switch 220v

The Wemo you linked is only rated 120V, do you have a 220V version? I know nothing about wemo, but since it only turns a light on and off, at least that's all the one you linked does, it cannot do what you want. It can do ONE function. It could open a window, or it could close one, but not both. Each is a different function. You might be able to incorporate some sort of flip flop logic to get it to work, but that's a whole new project more complex than what you asked.

Anyway, if you're okay with only one function, then just plug a 3A, 12V, AC-DC adapter into it, or wired to it if this is a hard wired controller, then going to your actuator, then with it assembled on the window, you will need a normally closed switch that opens when the window reaches the end of its travel and depresses the switch contact to open the circuit and stop the actuator from moving further. Among other details this will require fabricating a custom bracket to align the switch contact with the right portion of the window frame at the right moment in its travel.

I suspect that since you did not pick the right controller for two functions, that this project might be more than you're willing to tackle.