Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Configuration of LCD Screen for raspberry pi 3

I have an old 15" LCD screen salvaged from an IBM R51 Thinkpad,which I have connected to my r
Raspberry Pi3 unit to work as a monitor using a LVDS micocontroller board procured through eBay. Two primary issues that resulted are -

1. Overheating of the LCD screen near the bottom of the screen where the inverter wires are seen. The screen is extremely hot to touch after 5minutes or so

2. The display is random with mixing of colours and text not clearly displayed.

I have followed the setup instructions to the dot. Earlier had the same connected to my laptop as an external monitor and tried various display settings with no result. Am trying to salvage this scre to use as a wall mounted display.

Searches over the net did result in few others with the same problem no solutions were seen. Am a newbie, so would appreciate if you could offer assistance using plain language.mThanks in advance...
Disconnect the inverter and run the screen without it - does it still overheat?

If it does there's another problem somewhere - if it doesn't then the inverter is being over-driven. Seek an alternative inverter driver or check your interface settings for the correct voltage/current settings.